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15 Questions: With Edith Loring-Kuhanga, Chair of the Greater Victoria School Board

Each week our 15 questions segment features local leaders.
Edith Loring-Kuhanga candidate
Greater Victoria School District board chair Edith Loring-Kuhanga.

1. It’s Sunday morning, what are you having for breakfast?

I usually make a big brunch for our international students and family as this is the only breakfast that we have together. Typical breakfast/brunch would be:  bacon, moose sausage, baked omelette, toast, sliced fruit, hash browns and toast.

2. If you didn’t do what you did for a living, what would you be?

I would like to be a volunteer and work in orphanages in developing countries.

3. What’s playing in your music player right now?


4. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People’s ignorance.

5. What’s the best thing about living in Victoria?

I am so blessed and privileged to live on Coast Salish territory. I have been a visitor here for 31 years and am so grateful that the Coast Salish people have welcomed me to their territory. I am forever grateful to them.

6. What is your favourite movie?

Charlotte’s Web.

7. Which person, alive or dead, would you have dinner with?

I would have dinner with Nelson Mandella, Princess Diana and Mother Theresa.

8. What’s your favourite vacation destination?

Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania where my husband’s family is from.

9. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

To get rid of poverty completely.

10. What’s the one thing you haven’t done that you’d love to do?


11. If you could see one concert, what would it be?

Elton John.

12. What is your favourite TV show?

Amazing Race.

13. What’s your dream car?

Volkswagen Beetle.

14. What is your favourite place to dine?

The Thai Place.

15. What are your words to live by?

Be kind to others and share what you have.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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