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Airbnb singles out Campbell River as trendy domestic destination for Canadians

Airbnb singles out Campbell River as trendy domestic destination for Canadians

Campbell River is one of the top trending domestic destinations for Canadians. According to new Airbnb insights, searches for domestic stays in 2025 are up nearly 20 per cent compared to last year, reinforcing the ongoing surge in local exploration.
Select B.C. McDonald's part of chain's McVeggie burger taste drive

Select B.C. McDonald's part of chain's McVeggie burger taste drive

Patty made with carrots, green beans, zucchini, peas, soybeans, broccoli and corn
Legends of Lego: Kootenay kids using blocks, robotics to save coral reefs

Legends of Lego: Kootenay kids using blocks, robotics to save coral reefs

Kasper Breisnes and Eric Bibby have been invited to the First Lego League Challenge world championships in Texas
QUIZ: Today is a happy day. Do you know why?

QUIZ: Today is a happy day. Do you know why?

Last year, Canada was ranked 15th in the World Happiness Report
B.C. university tool allows students to see their future with each degree

B.C. university tool allows students to see their future with each degree

All possible job roles for liberal arts degrees mapped out in new program
PHOTOS: Overdue book returned – 64 years later – to B.C. library

PHOTOS: Overdue book returned – 64 years later – to B.C. library

UBC alum Robert Murray returns his book back to the university library after keeping it for 64 years
B.C. reminded of the bear necessities of safety as hibernation season ends

B.C. reminded of the bear necessities of safety as hibernation season ends

The bare necessities of safety are coming to you
Retreat into the wilderness with the wild women of Cumberland

Retreat into the wilderness with the wild women of Cumberland

Renee Baron likes to go where the wild things are through her Girls get Outside program
QUIZ: Beware the Ides of March...

QUIZ: Beware the Ides of March...

The story of the assassination of Julius Caesar is still referenced today
Nothing small about the car collection of B.C.'s 'Mini man'

Nothing small about the car collection of B.C.'s 'Mini man'

Nadir Ibadullah owns 16 Minis and thousands of Mini model cars and related items