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15 Questions: With Elaine Leonard, Greater Victoria School District board trustee

15 Questions: With Elaine Leonard, Greater Victoria School District board trustee
Elaine Leonard.

1. It's Sunday morning, what are you having for breakfast?

Coffee and eggs.

2. If you didn't do what you did for a living, what would you be?


3. What's playing in your music player right now?

John Denver.

4. What's your biggest pet peeve?

People who don't say “Thank you,” — such a simple phrase.

5. What's the best thing about living in Victoria?

The weather, and you can get anywhere in 20 minutes.

6. What's your favourite movie(s)?

Star Trek and Dirty Dancing.

7. Which person, alive or dead, would you have dinner with?

Queen Victoria.

8. What's your favourite vacation destination?


9. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Being able to move super fast — like the Flash — too many things to do, so little time.

10. What's the one thing you haven't done that you'd love to do?

Visit family in Nova Scotia.

11. If you could see one concert, what would it be?

Elton John.

12. What is your favourite TV show?

Madam Secretary.

13. What's your dream car?

One that never breaks down.

14. What is your favourite place to dine?

The Keg.

15. What are your words to live by?

My glass is half full — not half empty.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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