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15 Questions: With Morlene Tomlinson, Township Community Arts Council

15 Questions With Morlene Tomlinson, Township Community Arts Council
Morlene Tomlinson.

1. It’s Sunday morning, what are you having for breakfast? Two eggs with onion and Tobassco Chipotle hot sauce, orange juice and a cup of Moccona coffee. Yum.

2. If you didn’t do what you did for a living, what would you be? Being a volunteer in the arts and culture business isn’t a “living,” it’s a passion suited for people who love their community and want to help make it even better. If I wasn’t doing this, I’d be looking for opportunities to create or improve something. Not sure what that is right now.

3. What’s playing in your music player right now?

The soundtrack from the movie Michael. Uplifting, fun and really gets me going.

4. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

The risk to our gorgeous parks and wooded areas when people crush their cigarette butts into tinder-dry grass or on the forest floor.

5. What’s the best thing about living in Victoria?

The feeling I get when I walk anywhere near the ocean or in a forest. (I grew up in Regina, so this isn’t much of a surprise.)

6. What are your favourite movies? Casablanca, Finding Forrester and P.S. I Love You.

7. Which person, alive or dead, would you love to have dinner with? Nelson Mandela or my grandmother, Elizabeth Metzler.

8. What’s your favourite vacation destination?

Sydney, Australia to visit my son and twin five-year-old grandsons, Kai and Kollins, although I had the best time ever cycling the Loire Valley in France earlier this year with my Australian tennis group.

9. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Teleportation from one part of the world to another.

10. What’s the one thing you haven’t done that you’d love to do? Visit Disneyland with my grandson, Damian.

11. If you could see one concert, what would it be? The Beatles, but, sadly, some of them are no longer with us.

12. What is your favourite TV show? CBC’s The National on Thursday nights — love the At Issue Panel and Rex Murphy.

13. What’s your dream car? Not invented yet. Something that could also fly on solar power.

14. What is your favourite place to dine? In Victoria it’s That Lil Pasta Place on Admirals Road. In Vancouver it’s Samurai on Davie Street.

15. What are your words to live by?

Work hard and try your very best, and if your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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