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15 Questions: With Nan Judd, past president of the Victoria West Community Association

15 Questions: With Nan Judd, past president of the Victoria West Community Association
Nan Judd

1. It's Sunday morning, what are you having for breakfast? An omelet prepared by my husband with whatever is in the fridge and a hot cross bun from Fol Epi (I stocked the freezer during the Easter season.).

2. If you didn't do what you did for a living, what would you be? I am retired and doing exactly what I love to do — contributing to my community through volunteer work with the Victoria West Community Association, exercising and playing with friends, and spending time with my daughters and grandchildren. Most of my work life was in career services in employment counselling and later as a co-op employment facilitator. Although I received great satisfaction from my work if I were to choose a career again it might be in the legal field.

3. What's playing in your music player right now? I am addicted to CBC and if listening to anything, am listening to CBC, even in the middle of the night. In my car I listen to a blend of music on Sirius XM radio.

4.What's your biggest pet peeve? People spitting on the street.

5. What's the best thing about living in Victoria? The very best thing is living in Victoria West — a vibrant, diverse community mostly surrounded by water with easy access to downtown Victoria, the Galloping Goose and access to the E&N rail trail.

6. What's your favourite movie(s)? Believe it or not, probably the most memorable movie I saw was Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. I was five years old and cried in fear of the wizard. I've enjoyed many good movies since but none quite so memorable.

7. Which person, alive or dead, would you have dinner with? I’d like to have dinner with my maternal grandmother after whom I am named. She died when my mother was seven years old but her memory lived on in our family through stories and the diaries she left behind.

8. What's your favourite vacation destination? For a quick easy getaway I enjoy Mexico.

9. If you could have one super power, what would it be? The power to give every human being enough in their life — enough security, love, education, freedom, food, and fresh water-to thrive and fulfill their life's purpose.

10. What's the one thing you haven't done that you'd love to do? Dance at all my grandchildren's weddings. This should give me time to travel more abroad but before that a road trip across Canada from coast to coast.

11. If you could see one concert, what would it be? If I could go back in time it would be Woodstock and today might be Bruce Springsteen.

12. What is your favourite TV show? My guilty TV pleasure is the Big Bang Theory. I also enjoy crime and mystery shows, especially the British crime shows on PBS.

13. What's your dream car? When recently in California I saw a cherry red Telsa (with Alberta plates!) parked in front of the Tesla dealership. That is a car I’d feel guilt free driving and would love to have in my driveway.

14. What is your favourite place to dine? In the comfort of a friend's home where the company is good and the menu is thoughtfully prepared and cooked with love.

15. What are your words to live by? Well, my mother always said “you have to take the whole package,” meaning that you have to take the good, the bad and the ugly about a situation, you can't just take the good. I used to say “yah, yah” to myself when my mother said this but as I get older the more I appreciate these words of wisdom.



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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