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Beefs & Bouquets

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Beefs & Bouquets is a free forum to give thanks or express views. The News Mirror reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions. Length may be limited to 40 words. Mail or deliver to 4-6631 Sooke Rd., Sooke, V9Z OA3 or email


A HEART-FELT thank you to the amazing ladies at Sooke Hospice Society. They made a very difficult time a lot easier. The kindness and support were amazing, and the doctor who came out to help with my dad’s passing was incredible.

I’VE GOT A BIG PROBLEM with people who can’t cover their face when they sneeze or cough, and don’t get me started on those who use sidewalks for spittoons.

A DOZEN TULIP BULBS to everyone who adorns their yard with colourful flowers and plants, so the rest of us who can’t have gardens can enjoy them.

A BIG LOAD of buckshot to the woodpecker that wakes my wife up at 6 a.m. every morning.

KUDOS TO STORE OWNERS who provide helpful advice, even when they don’t have what you’re looking for.

A BIG BEEF to any federal or provincial government agency or branch that steers you to a website where you spend 30 minutes with a question that could be answered on the phone in 30 seconds.

BIG BOUQUETS all around for people of all ages who volunteer to referee sports games for our kids. I don’t know how you handle the hopefully occasional abuse from parents, and I don’t know what we’d do without you.

A BIG BEEF wakeup call to businesses that don’t update their websites with changes to their hours of operation. I’ve driven from Sooke to Victoria on more than one occasion to be greeted by a Sorry We’re Closed sign, only to be told “Oh, we changed that months ago” when I made a follow-up phone call.

TWO DOZEN free-range thumbs up to every child that spends at least an hour a day outdoors getting exercise, and less than six hours a day glued to their electronic devices.

I HAVE an enormous beef with spring break, but only because we didn’t get them when I went to Catholic school back in the 1960s.

BOUQUET to the generous, honest, unidentified person who turned in my wallet to London Drugs. I was notified and retrieved it intact with cash and 10 gift cards. My heartfelt thanks.

A SLAP ON THE WRIST to shoplifters, especially those that can afford what they’re stealing. Your indulgent behaviour adds dollars and cents to the amount the rest of us have to pay.

BOUQUET to each and everyone: to Susan, who heard me calling for help and called 911; to the fire department and paramedics; to Vic General emergency doctors and nurses; to the X-ray department; to the great staff on the third floor; and to family and friends. You all contributed to my recovery after my disastrous tumble.

NOT A BEEF OR A BLAST, but just wondering if it’s the lab food scientists or the canines or their owners who decide that a dog food company’s latest offering has a new, improved flavour?

BOUQUET to the people who helped me catch my nervous black dog on Anna Marie Road a couple of weeks ago. Much obliged.

BAD BEEF to drivers who race by you wherever four lanes change to two lanes, just so they can sit in car ahead of you.

I’M NOT ALONE in hating TV ads that repeat twice in the same commercial break. Do the advertisers really believe being subjected to the same message within a couple of minutes will convince people to run out and buy their product?