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Black Press newspaper carriers brave the snow

Black Press' newspaper carriers braved last week's snowstorm to get papers to reader's doorsteps.

Snow can't stop your community News carriers

Neither rain nor wind, sleet or snow can stop your intrepid Black Press

newspaper carriers!

As the city squared off against a larger-than-expected storm last week,

which hit on delivery day for your community newspaper, Black Press carriers

proved they were up to the challenge of delivering local news to your


“We know the dedication our carriers and drivers show every delivery day to

our readers and advertisers, but they truly went above and beyond last

week,” says Black Press Circulation Director Bruce Hogarth.

Their efforts did not go unnoticed by readers, either.

Wrote one Victoria resident, “Apparently the old adage long associated with

the postal service can now apply to Victoria News carriers. As I was out

shoveling my walk this morning amid a determined snowfall, along came our

neighbourhood paper girl with a big smile to dutifully put our Wednesday

edition in our mail box. Great service I thought…full marks to her!”

Those at the newspaper office also offer their thanks for a job well done.

“From all of us at Black Press to each and every carrier and driver who made

sure the news got through, thank you!” says Group Publisher Penny Sakamoto.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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