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Colouring contest coming for Kindness Day

Kindness Day colouring contest in partnership with Victoria Foundation
Look for the Random Act of Kindness Day colouring contest in Black Press issues Jan. 17. Physical entries can be mailed or dropped off to local Black Press offices. A scanned or photographed entry can be emailed to Winning entries can get a $50 gift card to Bolen Books and a $100 donation to a charity of their choice from the VIctoria Foundation. (Pixabay)

Look for our colouring contest to celebrate Random Act of Kindness Day.

The colouring contest page will be printed in participating News editions on Jan. 27 or downloaded online from

Victoria Foundation has been celebrating Random Act of Kindness Day since 2015. This year B.C. moved the day to Feb. 17 to align with the rest of North America.

The colouring contest winner will receive $50 to Bolen Books and the Victoria Foundation will donate $100 in the name of the winner to the charity of their choice.

READ ALSO: Phots of random acts of kindness from around the capital

“Kindness Day aligns with our mandate to create a kinder community for all. We usually do more for Kindness Day than this year, with colouring cards in schools and [we handed out apples] at the Bay Centre,” said Kyle Wells, communications manager for the Victoria Foundation. “We recognize that because of the pandemic the day is more relevant than it ever has been.”

Victoria Foundation will post two lists, each with 21 ideas for how people can participate in Random Act of Kindness Day.

“One list is for everyone and one is for young people, and the 21 is for the year 2021,” Wells said.

Entrants 12-and-under can mail or drop off their coloured posters to local Black Press offices. A scanned or photographed entry can be emailed to

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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