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Gordon Head Garden Club connects with community for 70 years

The club just celebrated its 70th anniversary this year

The Gordon Head Garden Club has quite a long history.

The garden was originally started in 1947 when a club for children was founded by Ed Renouf. Renouf was a well-known landscape gardener who taught the school children how to prepare gardening exhibits for the spring show.

Parents at the school were so impressed with his gardening skills that they recommended he start an adult club. In 1953, he did exactly that.

Earlier this month, the garden club celebrated 70 years in the community. Club president Harry Felsing said that about 60 people attended the anniversary.

“Every June instead of a speaker, we have strawberry shortcake and tea to celebrate. We decided this year to invite former members and other people who’ve been associated with the club over the years,” Felsing said.

The club has meetings held once a month for nine months of the year, excluding January, July and August. This is because of January is usually snowed out, as well as people being on holidays over the summer.

These meetings include a variety of topics.

“We’ve had topics all from soil improvement to what the new flower types are,” Felsing said.

Each meeting has a guest speaker, along with a judged parlour show where members show what they have grown.

“We do invite guests if someone wants to pop in. If they see one of our ads in the paper and they want to come, we usually let them come for a freebie and see if they have any interest in the club.”

The club has many volunteers. The recorded minutes show how they are working creatively to keep the club vibrant and useful to the members. Felsing says that new members are always welcome.

Each spring a plant sale is held. The popularity from the sale helps to give income to the club so that they are able to sustain it by continuing to bring in guest speakers, bus trips and raffle prizes.

The club has something for everyone, as it grows everything from veggies and tomatoes, to dahlias, exotic hanging baskets, bulbs and bamboo.

There is a strong social component to the club that helps to make many friendships and share a keen love of gardening.

The club is located at 4105 Lambrick Way in Saanich.

READ MORE: Get growing in Gordon Head
