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GREATER VICTORIA FAMILY: Balancing business/family: Q&A Aug. 08/14

Busy mom Kiersten Fisher loves to get active with her family
Kiersten Fisher poses for a holiday photo with daughters Gwen

Kiersten Fisher is a manager with the Ministry of Health. She and husband, Jon, have two daughters, Gwen, 3, and Nora, 1.

Q How do you find time for “you” outside of being a “mom”?

A It’s definitely challenging, especially since I’ve gone back to work full-time. I have a supportive husband who is a very hands-on dad and we are lucky to be surrounded by family who love to spend time with our girls, which gives us a break.

Q What are you reading right now? What kinds of books do you like to read with your children?

A I wish I had more time to read, but it takes me awhile to get through a book these days. I just finished Water for Elephants and am looking forward to reading the final book in Ken Follett’s Trilogy Series, Edge of Eternity.

My youngest daughter won’t sit still for a whole book yet, but my oldest loves Dr. Seuss and Robert Munsch. We also make the library a part of our regular routine, which means we always have new books to read. Current favourites are Owl Babies and The Deep Deep Puddle.

Q What is your favourite family activity to share together?

A We love being active as a family, doing things like swimming and skating and we really enjoy being outdoors - hiking, playing at the park or going to the beach. I would have to say our favourite activity is walks around our neighbourhood. It’s truly amazing how children can turn the most ordinary places into a grand adventure.

Q The part of your day you look forward to the most?

A I love watching my kids play at daycare at the end of the day before they realize I’m there, and then of course their reactions when they do see me are amazing and can melt away even the worst day at the office.