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Highschool haircuts in Oak Bay raise funds for Canadian Cancer Society

Students reveal 2021 fundraising tally Friday when Tour de Rock rolls in

A Wednesday afternoon fundraiser at school cost Colleen McKee a hunk of her hair, but she’s been there before.

McKee lost her dad Erin McKee to cancer in Grade 8, so when she entered Oak Bay High the next year, she jumped head first into the campaign students call C4C. Her sister was also a leader, so it’s no surprise that by 2021, her grad year, she’s among the campaign leaders.

The C4C leadership team had its work cut out this year. COVID-19 diminished events in the 2020/21 school term to a point where students coming into Grade 9 didn’t get to experience the frenzy Oak Bay High is famous for, McKee said.

READ ALSO: Oak Bay High students do their best for COVID-19 Tour de Rock

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, it wasn’t unusual to have a gym full of students wave wads of cash around – cash they’d saved hoping for a chance to cut each other’s hair or smoosh a pie in the face of a community leader.

McKee lost her locks during the Sept. 29 event, held outside the back of Oak Bay High. Teen after teen lined up to get a haircut or a head shave to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society.

“Given everything, starting fresh again, it’s been good,” she said. “It was such a cool thing watching kids, even in the pouring rain, have fun at a car wash.”

RELATED: Music, food and memories on tap for Tour de Rock finale in Sidney

READ ALSO: Oak Bay High senior student inspires juniors at cadet camp

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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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