Tim Collins
Sherry Ewacha-Poole is a Victoria teacher, artist, illustrator, and author, but more than anything else, she is a person who loves animals.
That devotion to wildlife was the impetus for the five-volume set of children’s books Ewacha-Poole has authored and illustrated, just in time for distribution during Canada’s sesquicentennial.
“We are so fortunate in this country to have so many and varied species, and I think a perfect way to celebrate our country’s 150th birthday is to honour the creatures I’ve highlighted in my books, and to raise awareness about how lucky we are to still have this natural diversity,” said Ewacha-Poole, whose illustrations bring the featured animals to life on every page.
The five books are divided along regional lines with each dedicated to one of Canada’s main geographical areas (the Prairies, the Northern Territories, the central region, the Atlantic Coast and the West Coast). Each book is structured as an A-Z primer of animal life in that region so, for the West Coast, “C” is for cougar, “O” is for otter, and so on.
In keeping with her teaching background, Ewacha-Poole geared the books for elementary school children but has seen interest expressed by three year olds and adults as well. Her wish is to see the books made a part of every elementary school library in the country. She has already donated 50 sets of books to start that process and has sold and received orders for nearly 1,000 more.
“Compassion and concern for our wildlife starts with knowledge and awareness, and if these books can raise that awareness, then I have accomplished what I set out to do,” she said.
The next project for Ewacha-Poole is another set of books featuring wildlife, this time based on a theme of animals of seven continents. It’s her hope the series will raise awareness of the wonder and fragility of the natural world.
The five-book set is available at wildlifematters.ca or at the James Bay Market.
A portion of the revenue from book sales will be donated to organizations with wildlife preservation mandates, like the Island Marmot Recovery Centre on Vancouver Island.