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Model railways looking for home

Since its inception 25 years ago, the Victoria Model Railway Club has been on the move frequently.

It started in a vacant garage, and has taken up tenancy in several vacant shops.

Club members are equal part history buffs, equal parts train lovers, said John Britt, a member from the beginning.

The first incarnation of the model, known as a module, has been retired and members are working on a new one with better digital technology, rather than analog, Britt said.

The new module covers several adjoining tables, and depicts the historical E&N and the CN lines on Vancouver Island. Working in teams, members take on sections to detail, with miniature hemp trees, buildings and other historical features.

“It will never be finished,” said Britt.

While the new module has already been showcased at a few events, it lives packed away into a trailer on shelves for storage.

Britt said the club is looking for a new home. The only requirement is its size: the room must be at least six by six metres. Heat, running water and security are bonuses.

To contact the club, e-mail