In the countdown to opening performance, two Vic High drama students rehearse as a team to bring to life the murderous singing plant in Little Shop of Horrors.One has been training as the plant’s voice, while the other is stationed inside to move the plant’s body.“It’s quite an operation to open and close the mouth,” said drama teacher Alan Penty, who is directing a cast of 20.In total, the production uses four different plants to represent it at different stages of growth, the largest being the size of a Volkswagon. They were gifted from the Canadian College of Performing Arts, which performed the play last year, but didn’t have room to store the enormous props.The original play, made famous by the 1960 B-horror flick starring a young Jack Nicholson, doesn’t have the same happy Hollywood ending, warns Penty. “The plant wins,” he said, adding the play is a warning to beware of what you wish for. Like the classic Faust tale, Penty explains, the nerdy lead character wants money and wants the girl. The plant promises all those things, but at a price.Vic High’s production of Little Shop of Horrors runs March 2 to 5, with nightly performances at 8 p.m., and an additional Saturday performance at 2 p.m. Adults $12, students $8.