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Phillips spring beer boosts levidrome brand

Phillips’ Levidrome, Imperial Regal Lager inspired by Victoria boy’s word

Victoria’s latest levidrome is full-bodied but crisp.

But before you start turning letters around in the sentence above, this levidrome isn’t a word, it’s a spring beer by local makers Phillips Brewery.

Phillips lanches its Levidrome, Imperial Regal Lager on May 7, inspired by Victoria boy Levi Budd’s bid to get a new word in the dictionary.

“This is one of those ones where the name drove the direction of the beer,” said Matt Phillips. “We’ve got really creative brewers and it’s important for them to have an opportunity to showcase their talents.”

Levidrome (the word) was created by SMUS second-grader Levi. It is defined as a word that contains the same lettering but spells a different word when written backwards. A simple example would be pots and stop. The now seven-year-old first made a pitch to get it in the dictionary with a video late last year.

European beer makers leaped on board but missed an opportunity that Phillips remedies with its Imperial Regal Lager. Regal and lager are levidromes.

RELATED: Victoria boy looks to add levidrome to the dictionary

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Levi’s dad Lucky Budd suggested the possibilty and Phillips went to work.

“It’s such a wonderful fathering moment for him to be making this happen. So we love it,” Phillips said. “It’s such a fun concept … we kind of fell in love with it.”

The regal and imperial play together nicely both in reference to the city of Victoria and in lager terms.

“In the beer world when you throw the word imperial down it’s a higher alcohol, richer, fuller beer,” Phillips says. “We thought it was a perfect seasonal release for us this time of the year. We felt it was a slam dunk.”

Phillips’ Levidrome Imperial Regal Lager is available in private cold beer and wine as well as the Phillips brewery, 2010 Government St.

“It’s incredible once again to see how this word is resonating out there. It’s incredibly exciting that it’s been embraced by businesses,” said Lucky Budd. “It’s been incredible to watch how many people have gotten behind this idea. It’s just fun, it’s fun for everybody and exciting for everybody.”

He still has schools across the nation emailing levidrome boards on a regular basis. Locally, Strawberry Vale recently sent in 104 from a Grade 4 class.

“We’re just seeing it rippling out,” Lucky said. “It’s just incredible to see how much fun everyone’s having with it and we’re having fun too.”

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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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