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Stella’s Suppers offers seniors more than a meal

Long-time Soroptomist a beacon of help
Stella Moffatt and Joan Jackson, members of Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore, have been involved in a number of projects over the years. The group’s latest, a dinner named in honour of Moffatt, is a way to give seniors a nice evening out. (Photo contributed)

Rick Stiebel/News Gazette staff

Lonely seniors can look forward to an occasional evening out, thanks to an event inspired by the tireless efforts of a long-time Soroptimist.

Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore (SIVW) is launching a new initiative, Stella’s Suppers, in honour of the club’s most senior member, Stella Moffatt.

Although she has only been a member of SIVW for the past five years, Moffatt has been helping others as a Soroptimist for more than half a century, said Joan Jackson, a charter member of SIVW and the organization’s current president.

“The only thing Stella’s asked in all the time she’s been with us is for us to host a lovely evening out with delicious food and the opportunity for seniors to meet other lonely seniors like themselves,” Jackson said. The SIVW’s focus has been directed at improving the lives of girls and women through initiatives such as Anney’s Closet, a free store on the West Shore, explained Jackson. “When I asked Stella if the seniors dinner was for women only, she said ‘you have to include men, otherwise what’s the point of getting your hair done,’” Jackson recalled with a laugh.

The first of Stella’s Suppers is scheduled for Aug. 21 at the Church of the Advent in Colwood.

Two Birds Catering will prepare the food and a few members of a local dance group will entertain. Those who would like to attend can be picked up and driven home by volunteers if other arrangements aren’t possible. Those interested in attending must call 250-920-6276 before Aug. 15.

The plan is to hold more Stella’s Suppers in the future, with the next possibly early next year as a way to help deal with the January doldrums, Jackson noted.

“We’re taking baby steps, perhaps three a year,” Jackson said. Ideas being considered include holding cooking classes for Anney’s Closet clients, and having them prepare the meal with help from some seniors, perhaps, she said.

“Maybe they will bring their toddlers to add a real inter-generational mix to Stella’s Suppers,” Jackson added.

For more on this West Shore group, visit

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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