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Victoria launches repair cafe

At the Repair Café, everything will centre on making repairs.

What do you do with a broken toaster? Or with a bike when the wheel runs out of true? Or with a sweater full of moth holes?

Volunteers in Victoria are organizing the city’s first Repair Café on Feb. 14,  9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Greater Victoria Public Library (Central branch).

The event is free and open to the public.

At the Repair Café, everything will centre on making repairs. Electricians, knitters, glue experts, sewing enthusiasts and bicycle mechanics will all be available to help visitors repair their broken household items.

Tools and materials will also be on hand.

By promoting repairs, Repair Café organizers want to help reduce mountains of waste, said organizer Michelle Mulder.

“We throw away piles of stuff each day, even things that could be made useful again with a simple repair. Repair Café wants to change all that,” she said.

Repair Café Victoria hopes to organize repair events on a regular basis in Victoria.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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