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Victoria Village Squires Barbershop Chorus to perform in Sooke on Oct. 21

In celebration of Canada 150, the Victoria Village Squires Barbershop Chorus is performing in Sooke at the community hall on Oct. 21.

In celebration of Canada 150, the Victoria Village Squires Barbershop Chorus is performing in Sooke at the community hall on Oct. 21.

“We wanted to expand our community outreach,” said David Wilson, a member of the chorus.

The Victoria Village Squires was formed in 1967 and has been performing all over the Island since. They sing in both as a chorus and in quartets. They are also part of the Barbershop Harmony Society which has 22,000 members across North America.

“You will leave the show with a big smile on your face,” said Wilson.

Tickets to the show cost $15 and can be purchased at the door, or in advance at Stick in the Mud Coffeehouse, online at, or from David Wilson at 778-352-2010.