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Victoria walk raising money to help Afghan girls go to school amid oppression

Event is this Sunday
Afghan girls attend a class in an underground school, in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Ebrahim Noroozi

Tanara Oliveira/News Staff

As Canadian children went back to school, the harsh truth is that many girls in Afghanistan – especially those who are older than Grade 3 – will not be in classrooms.

Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan two years ago, basic human rights for women have been severely limited. This includes the right to an education, a job and the freedom to move around without being watched by a man. Due to these rules, more children are getting married, which is making the humanitarian situation worse.

The Victoria Chapter of Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) invites people to join their annual Red Pashmina Walk on Sunday, Sept. 10, to talk about this important topic and bring attention to how bad things are in Afghanistan. The goal of the event is to get people to back Afghan women and girls’ schooling and human rights.

“Everyone has the right to learn,” Lauryn Oates, director of CW4WAfghan, said.

The Red Pashmina Walk is a way for Canadians to show their support for Afghan women and girls by making sure they can go to school.

At 10 a.m, people will be able to sign up at Irving Park, which is at the southwest corner of Menzies and Michigan in James Bay. Before the 2.5-kilometre walk starts at 10:30 a.m, Oates will say a few words. People are invited to wear a white top and a red pashmina, both of which can be bought at the event.

The money raised by the Red Pashmina Walk will go to CW4WAfghan’s projects, which are all about giving Afghan women and girls access to good education and making their right to learn a reality.

The Red Pashmina Walk started in Peterborough, Ontario, in 2010. It’s still going on today under the name Red Pashmina Inc., giving Afghan women and girls hope and change.