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VOLUNTEER VICTORIA: Experienced 'horse people' in demand

Want to volunteer? Opportunities are available through these positions at Volunteer Victoria.

Want to volunteer? Opportunities are available through these positions at Volunteer Victoria. Please call 250-386-2269 or online at


Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association needs an experienced horse person to handle horses in a therapeutic riding program. Training will be provided.

Victoria Health Cooperative is looking for a volunteer to create order from paper-mountain chaos in a home office.

The Salvation Army needs kitchen helpers and servers at 525 Johnson St. to help provide the 16,000 meals the organization serves every month.

Bridges for Women Society is looking for social media volunteers with expertise in Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms to assist with their indiegogo and public awareness campaigns.

HeadWay: Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Centre ineeds enthusiastic volunteers to help with Purple Day, an awareness-raising event to support people with epilepsy, on March 26. is looking for crisis chat volunteers to provide online chat and text services from 6 pm to midnight. Training is provided and volunteers are asked to commit to one three-hour shift per week.

District of Saanich, Parks is looking for restoration assistants to help with hands-on ecological restoration in natural areas in Saanich parks. Activities include removing invasive plants, planting native species, monitoring sites and conducting ecological inventories.

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is seeking volunteers, who enjoy the enthusiasm of kids when they are learning, to assist the naturalists during the pre-school biology buddies program. Shifts are three to four hours and, while being able to volunteer weekly would be ideal, it is not essential.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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