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VOLUNTEER VICTORIA: Mustard Seed needs truck driver's assistant

Opportunities are available through these positions at Volunteer Victoria. Please call 250-386-2269.

Want to volunteer? Opportunities are available through these positions at Volunteer Victoria. Please call 250-386-2269 or online at


Silver Threads Service is a not-for-profit society that enhances social connections and well-being for seniors. It is currently in need of a volunteer with photography skills, and their own equipment to take photos at various special events both inside and outside of the agency. Times and days will vary.

The Mustard Seed is looking for truck driver’s assistant volunteers (swamper) to fill a number of shifts Monday to Saturday between 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. to assist truck drivers with food donation pick-ups. Must be physically fit as heavy lifting is involved.

The James Bay Community Project is looking for a cook for its Family Dinner Drop-In program. This weekly volunteer opportunity is a great fit for someone who is creative and budget aware and likes to meal plan. Tuesdays 3:15 to 6:15 p.m.

City Harvest Co-op has Urban Farm season startup work parties every Monday and Tuesday for the next six weeks.  Help break new ground, mix potting soil, build compost and shape in-ground beds. Clear weeds, set up the greenhouse, and start seeds.  Work parties happen from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 1834 Haultain St.

Seniors Serving Seniors is looking for volunteers who knit to join Seniors’ in Stitches, a home knitting group meeting once a month for socialization. The group knits toques and mitts for children at the Cridge Centre, baby toques for Victoria newborns and cotton bandages for lepers.

Glengarry Hospital is looking for volunteers to assist with both morning (10 to 11:45 a.m.) and afternoon (2 to 4 p.m.) activity programs Monday through Friday. This opportunity is perfect for those who wish to gain experience in seniors health care.

The Canadian Red Cross Health Equipment Loan program in Victoria is looking for delivery volunteers who assist with the delivery of health equipment into clients homes. You will also help with the installation, servicing and cleaning of equipment.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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