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City Something: Monday's Top Picks for Arts and Entertainment for June 6-12

Victoria, Inside Out, Atomic Vaudeville Summer Cabaret, Magic for Elephants and more
'Harmonious Gate of Interest' is just one of many prints in the exhibition Victoria

Victoria, Inside Out


Ground Zero Printmakers are exploring Victoria, Inside Out for their last exhibition of the 2012-13 season, opening June 7 at Xchanges Artists' Gallery and Studios (6E-2333 Government).

Expanding on last year’s project celebrating Victoria’s 150 anniversary — for which 15 Ground Zero members created a commemorative album of prints in the likeness of historic buildings and places around the city — Victoria, Inside Out also looks at the urban landscape through the mediums of printmaking, from plein air sketch to highly-produced studio prints.

Each artist involved will present work that explores their individual environments, and since some of Ground Zero’s members come from as far away as Fort St. John and the Gulf Islands, those who witness the exhibition will get a chance to see what life is like outside Victoria as well.

Each artist will also provide a portfolio to peruse, showing their work throughout their process, giving a behind the scenes look at how the prints hung on the walls of the gallery came to be.

The Ground Zero Visions of Victoria album, will also be on display. Copies of the album are also available for public viewing at the Greater Victoria Public Library and the City of Victoria archives.

The opening reception is Fri., June 7 at 7pm.  The exhibition runs until June 30. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 4pm. M


Printemps a Paris



Five professional local artists have donated unique Parisian-style bistro tables to be auctioned off at Printemps à Paris, a fundraising gala for the Victoria Symphony and Pacific Opera Victoria.

Judy McLaren, Kathryn Amisson, Nancy Slaght, Elka Nowicka and Jonny Maynard Jr. have each created a table set for auction.

All money raised at the gala will support the development of new productions, education and outreach programs, and the continuation of the world-class performances by both the symphony and the opera.

Printemps à Paris is Sat., June 8 at the Victoria Conference Centre. Tickets are $250 at or 250-382-1641. M



Joy Kills Sorrow


If you’re mourning the loss of FolkWest at Royal Athletic Park, an innovative evening of string music with former FolkWest headliners Joy Kills Sorrow and local favourites Fish & Bird may just be the right thing to cheer you up.

Van Isle native Emma Beaton has been singing with Joy Kills Sorrow since 2008, and fellow British Columbian Zeo Guigueno joined the Boston-based group this year. They're here promoting a new EP, Wide Awake, out June 4.

The show kicks off at 8:30pm, Tues., June 11 at Upstairs Cabaret. Tickets are $14 at Larsen Music, Lyle’s Place and Ditch Records, or $16 at the door. M



Magic for Elephants

How do you make an elephant disappear? Sixteen local magicians are trying to do the opposite by raising money to stop the slaughter of African elephants. One magician, Eric Bedard loves elephants so much, he's walking 100 miles across Kenya in September as part of a team on the same mission.

On June 12, Magic for Elephants promises an enchanting evening of tricks and treats as magicians treat ticket holders to an hour of close-up, table-side magic, followed by an onstage gala of comedy and magic. Performers include Bedard, Chris Yuill, Murray Hatfield, Shayne King, Dave Attwood and more.

All the proceeds are going to the community anti-poaching scouts supported by Elephant Earth, the conservation branch of Hidden Places Travel, founded by Victorians Dag Goering and Maria Coffey.

The show is at White Eagle Hall (90 Dock) Wed., June 12. Doors at 6pm. Table-side magic from 6:30-7:30pm, with the gala beginning at 8:30pm. Cash bar and pizza by the slice are also available. Tickets are $20 at Robinson's Outdoor Store (1307 Broad). M







Atomic Vaudeville Summer Cabaret



The ever-hilarious and entertaining Atomic Vaudeville’s upcoming summer show, Professor Horatio McGilicuddy III and his Confabulous Allegorium (A Festivalibration sponsored by Enbridge), promises to be an oil-slicked adventure you won't regret attending.

There are only three shows — Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights — with doors at 7:30pm and show at 8pm at Victoria Event Centre (1415 Broad). Tickets are $22/18 at or 250-590-6291. M


Uncle Vanya

Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre presents Anton Chekhov’s tragi-comedy Uncle Vanya, opening Thurs., June 6 at the McPherson Playhouse.

Blue Bridge has cast Duncan Ollerenshaw (Hell on Wheels), Amanda Lisman (Shaw Festival), Chris Britton (Good Will Hunting), Kassianni Austin (Rifflandia co-founder) and BBRT co-artistic director Jacob Richmond for their first production of its fifth summer season.

Uncle Vanya runs until June 16.  Tickets at or 250-386-6121. M

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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