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Django jazz live in Oak Bay Saturday

Pearl Django performs Saturday, April 28 in the Upstairs Lounge, Oak Bay Recreation Centre,

Expect an old school jam session where the artists read the audience in Oak Bay’s live music series Saturday night.

Seattle based Pearl Django is one of the most highly regarded Hot Club style groups in North America with a signature style marked by pristine and dexterous string work, the steady pulse of rhythm guitar and an unmistakable swing that delights audiences of all musical sensibilities.

They loved he audience when here in January 2017, so happily make the return says Michael Gray, who plays violin and viola.

“The audience was great, they were obviously well educated musically. They knew what they were looking for so it optimum I thought,” Gray said in a phone interview from the U.S. “We try to play as good as we did the time before, hopefully a little better.”

This lineup of Pearl Django – Gray, David Lange, (accordion), Rick Leppanen, (double bass), Neil Andersson, (guitar) and Tim Lerch (guitar) – is the same featured on their latest CD With Friends Like These launched in 2017.

“We have no setlist, I just call the tunes. and these guys so far have not revolted after 24 years they still say OK,” Gray said with a laugh. “It’s really fun. I think the audience picks up on that that we’re trying to have fun still.”

They love that Victoria audiences are interested in the true jazz form and know what they’re coming out for.

“It’s not like going and seeing a Beyonce show. We’re old but we enjoy the fact we’re a little bit older and we know our audience is well-versed in the style we play, because that’s why they’re coming to the show,” Gray said.

They play primarily tunes from the most recent album with some “chestnuts” of old Django.

“I do talk to folks out there but we play and we love to do it. It’s our forum.”

Pearl Django performs Saturday, April 28 in the Upstairs Lounge, Oak Bay Recreation Centre, 1975 Bee St. Doors open at 6 p.m. for dinner service, concerts start at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $20 at Ivy’s Bookshop & Oak Bay Recreation Centre and; $25 at the door.

Learn more about the band at Get a taste of the music at

“That’s the new way people listen to music, streaming, and we’re glad to be part of that platform,” he said. “People re streaming the stuff now, it’s the dominant form of listening to music but that won’t last as we all know, something will take it’s place sooner or later.”

Many of their 13 different albums are available online, but they always have a selection of hard copies on hand for purchase at shows.

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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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