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Reconciliation and Mozart features four arias and narration

Net proceeds of the March 24 performance go to Reconciliation Canada

Oak Bay’s Robert Hall weaves together a series of arias with narration for the Reconciliation and Mozart performance this weekend.

“I became interested in first nations many years ago when I taught in the Sooke School District. My first class was about one third First Nations from Beecher Bay. I have since learned a little of the struggles of First Nations and by writing this it was an opportunity to link some of the emotions in the arias from the Flute with the story of First Nations in our country,” Hall says.

Four soloists, two narrators and a flute player create the program. Two of the vocal soloists studied in the UVic music program; soprano Ai Horton-Coloratura sings the amazing Queen of Night aria, and William Constable an astounding Basso sings Sarastro’s Aria. The third is Natasha Penfield from the Canadian College of Performing Arts who sings one of Pamina’s arias and Hall himself sings Tamino’s aria.

“The emotions passions that are in the arias are in line with the passions and emotions of the indigenous people,” Hall says.

The narration traces early exploration to present day attempts at reconciliation particularly in British Columbia.

Reconciliation and Mozart on Saturday, March 24 7:30 p.m. at St. Matthias Church, 600 Richmond Ave.

Tickets are $18 and $14 for seniors and students, available at or at the door ($20 and $15 for seniors and students). Net proceeds to Reconciliation Canada (

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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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