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Uno Fest hits 300

The 10-day curated festival features some of the best solo performers from across North America

After 17 years, Victoria’s Uno Fest is now North America’s longest-running festival of solo performance.

Following last year’s successful festival, which featured Hawksley Workman’s The God That Comes, this year marks the 300th show at Uno Fest.

The 10-day curated festival features some of the best solo performers from across North America, including Fringe favorites Jayson McDonald, Tara Travis and John Grady, alongside national successes Itai Erdal’s How to Disappear Completely, Evalyn Parry’s Spin, Cliff Cardinal’s Huff, Johanna Nutter’s My Pregnant Brother and Brian Fidler’s Broken.

The festival is also presenting the entertaining, raunchy and always controversial (and former Uno Fest performer) Mike Daisey in his return to Victoria with American Utopias at the Metro Studio May 16 and 17 as a special pre-Uno Fest event. In American Utopias Daisey explores how we create public spaces where we act out our dreams of a better world.

Uno Fest runs May 22 to June 2 at Metro Studio and Intrepid Theatre Club. Tickets are available at or at 250-590-6291.


About the Author: Staff Writer

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