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Waterproof Canada 150 time capsule good until 2067

Time capsule contents on display until Jan. 22
Mayor Richard Atwell helps Coun. Vicki Sanders unveil Saanich’s Canada 150 time capsule. The giant, waterproof canister will be encapsulated this spring to be opened in 2067. Travis Paterson/News Staff

The lid is off, and the capsule is open.

On Thursday night Coun. Vicki Sanders made the long-awaited unveiling of the Saanich Canada 150 time capsule at the Arts Centre at Cedar Hill Rec. The larger canister will soon be encapsulated at the entrance to municipal hall.

It will be opened in 2067.

“Thank you everyone for submitting your ideas and taking part in Saanich’s 150 celebrations this year,” Sanders said.

For now, the public can visit the contents of the time capsule, which are on display at Cedar Hill Rec. until Jan. 22. Cards are available for the public to sign, with lots of room to describe what life is like in 2017 (or early 2018), to share with those who open the capsule.

The accumulated results of Saanich 150 committee’s summer efforts are currently on display at Cedar Hill, 17 poster boards signed by hundreds of Saanichites. The exhibit is called #Grateful4Saanich and was done in tandem with the time capsule launch.

Canada 150 cake served Thursday at the Arts Centre at Cedar Hill. Travis Paterson/News Staff
Saanich residents peruse the #grateful4saanich murals that were signed during the summer and are now on display at Cedar Hill Rec. Travis Paterson/News Staff
Canada 150 cake served Thursday at the Arts Centre at Cedar Hill. Travis Paterson/News Staff
Residents signed post cards for the Canada 150 time capsule to be read when the capsule is opened in 2067. Travis Paterson/News Staff
Coun. Colin Plant drops his signed post card into the Canada 150 time capsule to be read when the capsule is opened in 2067. Travis Paterson/News Staff