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Lia Crowe’s Life and Style with Trish Monkhouse

Metchosin makeup artist provides beauty tips

Story and photographs by Lia Crowe

“I love the quote from makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin that says, ‘Every woman is beautiful, we just need to show them how to bring it out.’ It feeds my soul when doing makeup — even when I do simple things to accentuate someone’s features — to see how it can change the way they see themselves for the positive. It feeds me to help them see what everybody else sees.”

There’s a soundtrack of birdsongs in the background as I meet makeup artist Trish Monkhouse at her Metchosin home on a sunny morning to chat about style and her journey to becoming a makeup artist. I also wanted to get some makeup and beauty tips that every woman should know — myself included.

Trish is 10 years into doing makeup full time, but says that actually, “I’ve been doing it my entire life. I was very much focussed on art at school; it was in my blood. But I also have always wanted to help people. A lot of people have said to me that I have a gift of keeping people at ease. People are very vulnerable when sitting in your makeup chair and I take that very seriously. I’ve learned to listen to people and read their body language to understand what they’re not saying.”

The West Shore is also in Trish’s blood. She’s a fourth-generation West Shore resident — her family was one of the original homesteading families in the area. She grew up here and bought her first home here.

“It has a different peaceful and removed feeling. It’s got a little bit of everything — you can get everything you need but still have that remote relaxation as well. It’s like a vacation area and a city.”

Asked to describe her style, she jokes, “Soccer mom.” (But since she’s the mother of three busy teenagers this is likely pretty accurate!)

Beyond this, Trish loves that these days so much is accepted when it comes to fashion and personal style — “Like a 45-year-old can have a Mohawk [hair style] and not be looked at weird!”

Now for the beauty tips, and I ask Trish what every woman should know when it comes to beauty.

“My biggest thing is skincare and serums. Whenever I’m doing makeup I focus on getting ‘the canvas’ looking really good and then you need less makeup. People need to hydrate deeper and serums do that.”

What products should every woman have to bring out their best?

“A good serum and moisturizer, a lip conditioner, eyebrow gel, an eyelash curler, mascara and a little tint on the lip and cheek.”

Is there something she wishes women would stop doing?

“Comparing themselves to others. I really highly recommend getting together with a professional makeup artist to find out what works. There are so many makeup tutorials online, but they aren’t real. What works for that person online may not work for you, so don’t compare and get discouraged. If you learn to do it right for your face, it’s something you will have forever.” WS WS

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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