A Sidney church prepares to revive an old medieval Christian ritual in the new year.
Parishioners are invited to take part in "chalking the door" at St. Andrew's Anglican Church on Jan. 5, following the 10 a.m. service.
Rooted in biblical traditions, the ritual involves inscribing numbers and letters on doorways with chalk to bless homes and ward off evil. The practice aligns with Epiphany, on Jan. 6, marking the visit of the wise men to Bethlehem after Jesus’ birth.
This year’s formula, “20+C+M+B+25,” combines the year 2025 and initials representing the wise men – Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar – as well as the Latin phrase “christus mansionem benedicat” which translates to “may Christ bless this house.”
Participants will receive chalk and instructions to conduct a similar blessing at home. The event is open to all.
For more information about the church, visit standrewssidney.ca.