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Colwood Church celebrates 50 years with cake, hot dogs and bouncy castles

The official celebration will begin on May 24
Colwood church will celebrate turning 50 between May 24 and 26 with a dessert night and a free community birthday party. (Photo Supplied/ Reverend Ingrid Andersen)

Colwood Church is preparing to celebrate its golden anniversary in the spring and will give away $50,000 to the community.

“We have not yet chosen any candidates as the suggestion stage has just concluded,” said Shawn Chapman, lead pastor of Colwood Church.

The official celebration will begin on May 24 with a dessert night at 7 p.m. and run through May 26.

The community party will be on May 25, and it will be a free event that will include carnival-style games, bouncy castles, hot dogs and cake.

The church was founded in 1974 in the Colwood Community Hall by Pastor Don McMillan.

The property on which the church sits now was purchased in 1975, and under the direction of Jim Hartshorn, the building was started and completed shortly after.

For more information on the 50th birthday celebration, visit

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