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Cost of Sidney public washroom balloons to $810K – double original budget

Council approved new budget without any objections
The cost for a new public washroom in Sidney is $810,000. (Unsplash photo)

Sidney council members have approved a new public washroom that will cost the town $810,000 – double its original budget, according to a staff report.

The contract was awarded to Cascadia West Contract Limited without any objections to the increase from council at a regular public meeting on Tuesday (Oct. 11).

The city received three bids to build the washroom, but all had come in over the initial budget, according to the report by Bruce DeMaere, Sidney engineering manager.

The two other companies that bid were Farmer Construction and Casman Projects.

There was some relief from councillors as some money to help cover the costs will come from an accessibility fund that the federal government had set up.

Council had set the budget at $405,000, but it will now cost $810,000 for the restroom adjacent to the waterfront near Seaport Place.

Coun. Chad Rintoul put his support behind Cascadia West Contract Limited, as well as the budget increase.

“It is a significant increase in the cost of this long-awaited waterfront accessible public washroom, but it is a high need in that area,” said Rintoul.

More and more public events are held at the waterfront, and the fact it is an accessible bathroom is a real benefit, he said.

The washroom will cost more to build than a typical family home, and much of the increase is due to construction costs.

Approximately $600,000 of the recently increased budget has been earmarked for building costs, said the report.

The project is scheduled to be completed by mid-March 2024, but is subject to material availability, said the report.

Coun. Steve Duck said there had been an issue with restaurants in that area reporting increased rodent problems and that a new public washroom might attract more.

But new facilities are needed with the increased foot traffic and the new restaurants in this area, Duck said.

“There is significant pressure in the area, so this is very welcome,” he said.

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