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Saanich council debating property tax increase of 8.7%

Proposed hike could mean an extra $297 for homeowners, but council looking for ways to trim it
Saanich Municipal Hall on Vernon Avenue. (Christine van Reeuwyk/News Staff)

Saanich council is working on a new five-year financial plan this week that would see property taxes go up by as much as 8.69 per cent this year, though councillors are working to potentially bring that number down to about 7.8 per cent.

At 8.69 per cent, the average homeowner in Saanich would be out an extra $297 compared to last year.

Tax hikes in the district have climbed higher each of the past four years.

Much of this year’s hike is due to increases in labour costs and capital project spending. Some of that is flexible and some isn’t. District staff have endeavored to find cuts that eat away at spending on the margins using financial manoeuvres and efficiency upgrades to try to avoid cutting services.

Another major driver of this bump is a 9.74 per cent increase in the budget of Saanich police, which according to a letter from the police board is mainly due to negotiated wage increases and increased operating expenses.

The extra money for police accounts for 2.59 per cent of the total property tax increase.

Garbage, sewer and water rates are also set to go up according to this plan, though at a slightly lower rate overall.

Both sewer and water rates are set to increase by about four and six per cent respectively, while garbage collection rates would go up 7.89 per cent.

Taking those rates together with property taxes, the overall increase is 7.8 per cent compared to last year, and bumps up cost for the average taxpaying homeowner by $373.

This financial plan is still a draft at this point, and the final draft is scheduled to go before the council for adoption in April.

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