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Service providers come together to support Victoria’s homeless population

‘Homelessness is an issue that affects everyone,’ says event organizer

A total of 57 organizations gathered at Royal Athletic Park for Project Reconnect on Tuesday – providing services and goods for a day to members of Greater Victoria’s unhoused community.

This annual one-day event is a chance to make services accessible to the vulnerable population. Some of the services include the Canadian Revenue Agency doing taxes, the Community Social Planning Council taking photos and creating IDs, various organizations creating housing opportunities, and health workers providing a range of services.

“The opportunity is for folks who are unhoused or experiencing various challenges to be able to meet service providers, learn about programs they offer, get help and to really be able to make that personal connection,” said Andrew Holeton, co-chair of Project Reconnect. “It’s also an opportunity for service providers to connect with one another. It’s rare to have this really big gathering so it helps to give back to everyone.”

Kurtis Bunnett got a haircut from one of the many booths at Project Reconnect. He enjoyed the lunch and went to all the different booths to see what services could be offered, but most of all, he liked that it was about “just reconnecting with people.”

Lauren Davies, project coordinator for the Community Social Planning Council’s ID clinic, said this type of service can be overlooked.

“IDs allow people to connect to various services. It allows them to get housing, income, and it’s kind of a necessary part of life,” Davies noted. “A large proportion of people experiencing homelessness lose their IDs or get their IDs stolen.”

Community Social Planning Council’s 2023 Point In Time survey found identification was one of the top three needed services, with almost 50 per cent of respondents needing it.

“That kind of speaks to the need in our community – and this helps people connect to other services – and without it, it is kind of hard to keep going.”

Project Reconnect is a way to bridge gaps and Holeton noted anyone could end up in a vulnerable position.

“Homelessness is an issue that affects everyone and everyone in the community,” he said. “It is not something people choose, but it’s something that really requires all people to come to together to try to make our community a good place that includes all people and to really put the most vulnerable people at the centre of our thinking.”

ALSO READ: More than 1,600 identified as homeless in Greater Victoria

About the Author: Ella Matte

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