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Sooke sees partial relief for traffic woes

Charters Road set for partial reopening Sept. 24

Here's some partial good news for beleaguered motorists.

The District of Sooke has announced the partial reopening of Charters Road for vehicle traffic and bicycle traffic only beginning Tuesday, Sept. 24, with the exception of Monday, Sept. 30, and Monday, Oct. 14.

The reopening follows the successful completion of paving last week, six weeks ahead of schedule, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Hazelwood Construction and the co-operation of neighbouring properties, the district said in a media release.

The road will be open between 2 and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday to help ease traffic during peak hours while still allowing the construction team to continue working on the remaining tasks. Public safety remains a priority, so access will be restricted outside of these hours.

While paving has been finished, the Charters Road Streetscape Project is not complete at this time, the district noted.

"The safety of the public and crews remains a top priority, and the construction site will remain secured as key project milestones are still underway," the district stated. "However, recognizing the impact this closure has had on our community, traffic control measures will allow vehicle access during peak afternoon and early evening hours."

Three to five additional full-day closures are anticipated to complete outstanding milestones during the coming weeks. The district will provide as much advance notice as possible for these closures once details are known. Some of the work is weather permitting, so changes may occur on short notice.

"While this partial reopening and the Charters Road improvements will help, we understand that they will not fully resolve the ongoing traffic challenges in our community," the statement noted. "The effects of this closure have highlighted the need for broader solutions involving multiple levels of government."

The district said it appreciates the continued patience of residents and commuters as work continues to enhance infrastructure and support multi-modal transportation in Sooke.

"We are grateful for the project crews' commitment and flexibility in balancing the outstanding milestones while prioritizing the needs of the community," said Raechel Gray, chief administrative officer for Sooke.

The road will fully reopen to vehicle and pedestrian traffic once remaining tasks, including line painting, hydro pole relocation, sidewalk installation, railing installation, and site inspections are complete. Nov. 1 continues to be the goal for a full reopening.

The district said everyone can play a part in easing congestion.

"Carpooling, using public transit, cycling, or walking when possible are great ways to help reduce the strain on our roadways," the district noted. "The community’s patience and adaptability are appreciated as we continue to work toward long-term solutions, with support from various levels of government and the public. Let's all do our best to embrace the current reality and contribute to easing traffic where we can."

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