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Victoria non-profit collects thousands of donated menstrual products

United Way Southern Vancouver Island will deliver donated menstrual products top those in need
United Way Southern Vancouver Island volunteers with donated menstrual products

United Way Southern Vancouver Island (UWSVI) announced on Thursday, July 25 that it raised over $25,000 and collected 91,700 menstrual product donations as a part of its annual Period Promise campaign, which began in April and ended on May 25.

According to a United Way study, half of people who menstruate have struggled to buy menstrual products at some point in their life. Period Promise is designed to address this need.

"Beyond fundraising and collecting products, the ... campaign is dedicated to raising awareness [and] destigmatizing a commonplace biological occurrence," said UWSVI in a news release.

Soap for Hope Canada, a non-profit that provides hygiene products to people who can't access them, will distribute UWSVI's donations to a network of local social services agencies. 

From 2017 to 2022, UWSVI and other United Way chapters in B.C. have helped distribute over 1.5 million menstrual products to communities across the province.

About the Author: Liam Razzell

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