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Walk and roll: Multi-use pathway opens in Central Saanich

Bike lanes will be separated from traffic and link to an upgraded intersection
The new multi-use pathway on Mt. Newton Cross Road is now open.

The Mount Newton Cross Road multi-use pathway connecting Lochside Drive and Lochside Regional Trail is now open to pedestrians and cyclists. 

The pathway is one of Central Saanich’s priority projects identified under the district’s Active Transportation Plan. 

In March 2024, the district received $400,000 from B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant to upgrade a critical road crossing that will connect the Lochside Trail at Mount Newton Cross Road near McDonald's to Lochside Drive.

This bi-directional pathway is the first phase of the project, where bike lanes will be separated from traffic and link to an upgraded intersection – a four-way stop with bike crossing. A grass median has been constructed with updated road markings, such as the green pavement that inform drivers to where cyclists and cars cross paths.

The second phase will build a pathway from Mount Newton Cross Road to Saanichton Village, improving connectivity between the village, Tsawout and the growing Lochside-Turgoos community. Construction is expected to begin late this year or in 2026.

These projects complete gaps in the network by providing better access and a safe route for people to walk, roll and ride, the district said. 

About the Author: Peninsula News Review Staff

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