It’s safe to say, boating season is mostly over until next year. With good memories of summer still fresh, now’s the time to protect boats big and small from the cold bite of winter.
After all, proper winterization is the best way to ensure your vessel is ready to make new memories come spring.
“Winterizing a boat can take up a good chunk of your time but it’s a vital part of protecting your investment. Failure to winterize can result in costly repairs and even needing a full outboard replacement come spring,” says JD Dawson, manager at Ina Marine.
“While it may seem like common sense, busy boat owners often forget that water doubles in size when it freezes, meaning ice build-up can result in some pretty nasty damage to an improperly winterized vessel.”

Winterizing tips from Ina Marine
- Deep cleaning: Clean your boat thoroughly from bow to stern and do the same to your trailer to prevent corrosion and damage from caked-on grime. Afterward, remove your drain plug and raise your bow so it’s higher than your stern, ensuring any remaining water drains out.
- Remove all accessories: From seats and life jackets to trolling motors and electronics, remove and store everything in a cool, dry place, with electronics kept indoors. Disconnect batteries and clean your terminals with a baking soda, water and grease mix once dry.
- Winterize your outboard motor and trailer: Winterizing your outboard is not for the faint of heart, Dawson says. He suggests reviewing Ina Marine’s winterization guide online here or booking a winterization service appointment and letting the Ina Marine service department handle it for you. For your trailer, check lights for water and dry if needed, remove bulbs and spray sockets with moisture repellent, then apply a petroleum jelly to connectors and cap them. It’s also recommended that tires be removed and kept out of the elements to prevent flats.
“Our service department is always happy to provide extra support and answer any boating-related questions,” Dawson says.
Don’t have time to winterize your boat yourself this year? Let the professionals handle it and book a service appointment online today or by phone at 250-940-7301. Visit in person at #102 - 715 Station Ave., open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ina Marine recently purchased the marine division of SG Power and is now your go-to destination for all things marine on Vancouver Island! Find Ina Marine online here and follow them on Facebook or Instagram.