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Holistic financial planning?

Your challenges are interconnected, so this financial advisor’s solutions are multi-faceted
Taxes, estate planning, small business accounting and divorce financing: Tanya Sterling of Sterling Financial can steer you through many of life’s challenges.

Tanya Sterling is here to help.

Her business may be called Sterling Financial, but her problem-solving skills reach far beyond money matters.

Swamped by your business paperwork? Call Sterling. Overwhelmed by Executor responsibilities in the midst of grief? Call Sterling. Wondering whether it’s wise to lend money to your adult children? Come by and talk it through.

“Throughout the year my clients come to visit with all sorts of scenarios, and we work through them together. We can evaluate options and what-if solutions based on each person’s needs, then we can add my formal education and years of experience with other clients,” Sterling says.

It’s about balance. Sterling is a Chartered Professional Accountant and also a Certified Life Coach, as well as a Financial Divorce Specialist who specializes in Collaborative Conflict & Resolution. She considers the fine print and the big picture when problem-solving.

The Taxman Cometh

Around tax time Sterling often meets new clients who shuffle through the door and sheepishly say, “I have a few years of taxes that need doing…” or, “I have this problem…”

When you’ve got a looming life challenge it’s easy to feel like you’re all alone, but Sterling can help provide a clear direction. Don’t focus on the fact that you’ve been neglecting your finances – focus on the fact that you’re finally taking steps to address them and make a plan.

“There’s no judgement here!” she says. “Usually clients come to me because something’s happened, or is about to – they got a letter from the Canada Revenue Agency, they’re looking to work less, or they’re facing some other challenge or goal. We plan through it together.”

Visiting Sterling Financial is like having an experienced race car driver take the wheel when things are spinning out. Sterling will get things under control, explain what’s going and — as you’re ready — slowly get you back in the driver’s seat and onto cruise control. She’ll help lay out the roadmap to success, listing all the information and documents you’ll need to tackle both the current issue and possible speed bumps down the road. Depending on what’s needed and where clients are off track, that might mean coaching on how to get organized, or getting things started by organizing documents for them. It also means navigating the blind corners of financial institutions and agencies.

“There are tricks to how the Canada Revenue Agency and other agencies work, what they’re likely to do, and how to explain things in a way they’ll accept,” Sterling says, “They’re looking for something specific. We know what they’re looking for, what words to use, and what documents they want to see.”

Continuing support

At your typical drop-in tax shop you may get help with your current issue, but with Sterling Financial you’ll get holistic support that goes beyond fiscal matters, and follow-up to tackle any hurdles down the road.

“It’s definitely a long-term relationship, like a driver and co-pilot, alongside when needed,” Sterling says.

That applies to business accounts as well as personal finances. If you’re wondering what forms to give your employees at tax time, need help organizing accounts, or just want to get a grip on what’s going on, Sterling Financial can help.

Call 250-857-1857, email, or visit 101-860 View St. to start the conversation, and take the first step towards getting control!