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Smart solutions to mitigate tree-related risks for Victoria property owners

Regular maintenance and properly handling insurance claims in case of damage are key
A certified arborist can assess the health of trees and make expert recommendations – both essential in preventing accidents and subsequent liability claims. Photo courtesy of Osprey Tree Service.

For homeowners, the thought of dealing with insurance claims due to tree damage can be daunting. However, regular maintenance and understanding the correct procedures when damage occurs can significantly ease this burden. 

We chatted with Melissa Stedman, FCIP, CRM, Senior Vice President of Commercial Insurance with Gallagher, a global insurance and risk management company in Victoria, about effective strategies to mitigate tree-related risks and handle insurance claims efficiently.

“Regular pruning and maintenance ensure that trees remain healthy and do not become a hazard,” Stedman advises, noting this routine care is not just about maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your property but also about reducing the risk of potential damage. 

A certified arborist can assess the health of trees and make expert recommendations – both essential in preventing accidents and subsequent liability claims.

By removing vulnerable, dry, or dead branches and ensuring trees are properly pruned and watered, homeowners can significantly decrease the likelihood of these natural structures becoming liabilities. Photo courtesy of Osprey Tree Service.

“Most definitely, regular tree care will ensure the tree is and remains healthy," Stedman says. By removing vulnerable, dry, or dead branches and ensuring trees are properly pruned and watered, homeowners can significantly decrease the likelihood of these natural structures becoming liabilities.

But what should a homeowner do if they suspect a tree might be a risk? "Call a certified arborist," Stedman says. Professionals like those at Osprey Tree Service are equipped to evaluate a tree's condition and make necessary recommendations, potentially saving homeowners from costly damages or legal troubles.

In the unfortunate event of property damage from a tree, “document the damage immediately using photos or video,” Stedman says.

This documentation is crucial for the insurance claim process. Homeowners should then contact their insurance company or broker without delay to report the incident. Ensuring the protection of your property from further damage is also vital and should be done without making permanent changes until the insurance company assesses the situation.

Stedman also suggests not disposing of damaged items until they have been fully evaluated by the insurance company. "This ensures that you have a strong claim and that all damages are accounted for," she explains.

Proactive tree maintenance and knowing how to efficiently handle insurance claims can alleviate the stress and potential financial strain caused by tree-related damages. As Stedman says, “Being prepared and informed is your best defense against the unexpected trials that come from natural elements on your property.”

For expert tree care and professional risk assessment, visit or contact Osprey Tree Service directly at or at 250-474-7993. Make sure to follow them on Facebook for any updates!