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What’s your vision for Greater Victoria 2030?

Victoria Foundation releases 2019 Victoria’s Vital Signs this week
The Victoria Foundation’s 2019 Victoria’s Vital Signs Report is released Oct. 1, a community check-up sharing residents’ assessments about Greater Victoria features we can celebrate and where we can improve.

When one of Greater Victoria’s most anticipated annual publications hits the streets this week, it will bring a unique vision – not only where we are as a community right now, but where we could be in 2030.

The Victoria Foundation’s 2019 Victoria’s Vital Signs Report is released Oct. 1, a community check-up sharing residents’ assessments about Greater Victoria features we can celebrate and where we can improve.

“We’re excited to share this unique publication with the community. We hear every day how much Greater Victorians care about their community and their neighbours, and this community check-up really helps local leaders and philanthropists see where we’re succeeding and where more is needed,” says Sandra Richardson, Victoria Foundation CEO.

A vision for the future

At the forefront of the 2019 Vital Signs is the theme for this issue: “Vision 2030: Taking action today to build a better tomorrow.”

The feature looks at the path we’re on right now in areas such as housing and homelessness, sustainability and technology, and where we might go with vision and and cooperation.

Survey says…

The 14th annual Victoria’s Vital Signs looks at the results of this year’s Vital Signs survey, an exploration of quality of life in Greater Victoria and more.

Citizen survey respondents graded 12 key issue areas – such as housing, transportation, safety, and arts and culture – sharing what’s working well and suggesting priorities for improvement. The well-rounded picture of the region that emerges from the survey, paired with local statistics, is used by local decision-makers and the Foundation to connect philanthropy to community needs. In fact, last year, the Foundation’s community granting program distributed $2,235,053 to 106 charities in the Capital Region!

In Victoria’s Vital Signs, you’ll also see how the region stacks up against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which represent the world’s collective vision for a thriving and sustainable planet. Canada is one of 193 countries participating in the UN initiative, an opportunity to focus collective efforts to address problems beyond the community scale, such as climate change, which can only be addressed if communities and cities unite in common action.

Get your copy today!

Pick up your copy of Victoria’s Vital Signs at various locations around town, including grocery stores and community centres. You can also find it online at


Established in 1936, the Victoria Foundation is Canada’s second oldest community foundation and the sixth largest of nearly 200 nation-wide. Managing charitable gifts from donors whose generosity allows them to create permanent, income-earning funds, proceeds from these funds are distributed as grants for charitable or educational purposes. To date the Victoria Foundation has invested more than $225 million in people, projects and non-profit organizations strengthening communities.