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City of Victoria to host emergency preparedness workshops throughout 2018

Program coordinator says each neighbourhood has unique risks and challenges
The City of Victoria is offering monthly workshops for emergency preparedness throughout 2018, offering tips like what to stock in an earthquake kit. City of Victoria photo

If you’re looking for a New Year’s resolution, why not choose to be a little more prepared in the event of an emergency?

To encourage that, the City of Victoria is hosting free monthly workshops throughout 2018 to help its residents get ahead of disaster.

“We take the all-hazards approach to emergency preparedness,” says Tanya Patterson, emergency program coordinator for the City of Victoria. “We offer workshops to educate citizens to what types of hazards we’re exposed to in Victoria and how to prepare for them.”

Patterson points out having extra food and water on hand – enough for seven days minimum– is always a good idea, as well as alternative cooking supplies like a camping stove. And always keep flashlights, and a battery-operated radio at the ready.

“We live in an earthquake region, so preparing for earthquakes can actually prepare us for other emergencies like power outages, windstorms, snow storms or anything that causes us to be without our normal resources,” she explains.

The workshops – free to the public – will provide a basis for what to include in your emergency kits, how you can protect your home from an earthquake, and how to reunite with your loved ones after a disaster.

The City partnered with Building Resilient Neighbourhoods to launch a pilot project last month called Connect and Prepare. Through the support of micro-grants, three participating Victoria neighbourhoods are learning how to strengthen emergency preparedness and connections among neighbours.

“Each community and neighbourhood has its own unique characteristics that might make them more or less vulnerable,” says Patterson, adding the City is also offering customized workshops for interested school or community groups.

Kicking off Jan. 9, each workshop runs an hour and a half, and will be held in the Antechamber on the second floor of Victoria City Hall. For a schedule of dates, visit, or to sign up for Vic Alert, the City’s emergency notification service, visit