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Controversial anti-‘woke’ education billboard in Westbank First Nations removed

The billboard stood for 10 days before being taken down

The anti-‘woke’ education billboard that shocked and angered drivers in Westbank First Nations for more than a week, has now been removed.

The sign featured an angry “woke activist” teacher wearing a mask, standing in front of a pride flag overlaid by the phrase “what are kids REALLY learning in school?” was owned by the website ‘’

READ MORE: West Kelowna anti-‘woke’ education billboard stirs up controversy

The sign was leased from Billboards BC and installed on private property in Westbank First Nation (WFN) along Highway 97.

WFN contacted Capital News at around 3:30p.m. on Feb. 14 to share that the billboard has been removed.

“WFN is an inclusive community and encourages people to speak out when they see something they feel is wrong,” said WFN communications in a statement.

An online petition for the removal of the billboard was circulated by Advocacy Canada and supporters of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community submitted complaints to Ad Standards Canada.

“By linking the message to sexual orientation and gender identity, this billboard moves from free speech to discrimination,” said Wilbur Turner, Chair of Advocacy Canada.

At this time it is not clear why the billboard was taken down and the article will be updated to include more information as it becomes available.


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Jacqueline Gelineau

About the Author: Jacqueline Gelineau

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