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CRD tracking residents' travel patterns

Deatiled information gathered to determine future transportation needs

The Capital Regional District is halfway through its 10-week Origin-Destination Household Travel Survey.

The survey is gathering detailed information on daily trip patterns of area residents. The information will help the CRD, municipalities and provincial agencies make decisions about the routes and services communities need for an improved and sustainable transportation future for the region.

To date, 33 per cent of residents contacted have completed the survey, a significant increase over the average 20 per cent response rate typical for household surveys.

As of Nov. 21, a total of 4,003 surveys have been completed. On Nov. 16, invitations to complete the survey online were mailed to selected households and respondents now have the option of responding online. This will help the CRD reach its goal of completing 6,000 telephone and online surveys by the end of the survey period Dec. 13.

Through the travel survey, randomly selected households are being asked where and why they travelled and how they got there.  When called, households will see the words, "CRD Origin Dest," appear on their call display. The survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete and will take place Tuesday through Friday, between 4:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The survey is being conducted by Victoria-based research firm, R.A. Malatest and Associates Ltd., and is one of several initiatives that will provide data necessary to address regional transportation issues. Other initiatives recently completed include a traffic count and the first regional cycling count.

Data gathered about residents’ daily travel is key to making informed decisions on infrastructure spending for years to come. Participation is voluntary and all information is confidential. Participants will be entered to win a $1,000 cash prize, or an iPad or Kindle.

Results of the survey will be available next summer and will show how regional travel is changing over time. The CRD is striving to develop a better and more fully integrated transportation plan for the region that addresses all modes of transportation.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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