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Diesel leak from waterworks equipment sprays fuel on 5 homes in Saanich

District says public works dept. responded to clean up site, no fuel got into local waterway
Saanich district staff say a diesel spill in the vicinity of Bowker Creek did not result in any fuel getting into the waterway. (Christine van Reeuwyk/News Staff)

A malfunction with a hydro excavator truck in Saanich on Wednesday (April 24) resulted in diesel fuel spraying across as many as five homes before it was noticed.

The incident occurred at about 9:50 a.m. at Haultain Street and Dean Avenue when a diesel leak developed in hydro excavator equipment that had been hired by a waterworks crew.

The diesel leaked into the excavator’s fan unit, and according an email from a district spokesperson “small diesel particles were pumped high into the air,” becoming airborne.

This happened in nearby proximity to Bowker Creek, though the spokesperson states diesel didn’t entered the water.

Saanich Public Works crews responded to do the cleanup work, placing absorption pads across the impacted area and installing booms in adjacent stormwater catch basins and manholes.

A sweeper truck was also dispatched to aid in the cleanup.

The district also involved Emergency Management BC in the response. Property owners were told to contact their insurance companies.

READ MORE: Saanich OCP heads to public hearing slated for April 30