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Mayor lays groundwork for ‘unique’ patio options in Victoria

Staff tasked with exploring innovative ideas for spaces such as closed streets
The City of Victoria will explore options beyond the usual for businesses to offer outdoor eating and drinking options. (Black Press Media file photo)

Victoria council will peek at potentially allowing eateries to provide patrons outdoor patios in unusual circumstances.

Citing earlier staff reports as open to the future, Mayor Marianne Alto presented the option during council’s April 27 committee of the whole meeting.

Council members unanimously supported having city staff report back on the implications of expanding allowable patios on public spaces and closed streets in a way that enables innovative use of unique spaces. Alto said she crafted the motion with “an eye to allow staff to consider unique opportunities.”

Victoria adopted its latest patio bylaw last month, which addressed patios put up during the early months of the pandemic. At that time the city allowed a variety of patio spaces and even helped fund creation with the Build Back Victoria program.

RELATED: Victoria poised to pass its pandemic patio bylaw as B.C. extends them through 2024

Launched in June 2020, the program was created to support businesses during the reopening and recovery phases of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Over the past few years what we’ve seen is a number of patios get put in place which is really the silver lining to the pandemic,” Coun. Dave Thompson said, adding the investments made in good faith without regulation in place, contributed positively to communities and added vitality. “We should have another look at those existing patios and see if there’s a way we can make sure they aren’t shut down by rules that – while ideal – were not in place when those investments were made.”

RELATED: Build Back Victoria programs add vibrancy to the city

The current bylaw outlines how temporary dining set-ups using public spaces can apply for permanency as well as better integrate into the streetscape. It aims to ensure protection of public space and meet quality, safety and accessibility standards.

A restaurant in Quadra Village, with a patio on the grass next to Fifth Street, started an online petition in keeping its patio, spurring chatter in the community. Under current regulations, it must come down by May 31. As Coun. Chris Coleman noted, just ahead of the busy outdoor eating season. Alto said timing and deadlines would likely be the subject of a future motion.

“I would be inclined to have an opportunity to have a discussion with staff on that,” she said.

She reiterated staff will take into account safety, accessibility and balance of use of public space, for example taking into account where use could seem an unfair advantage to a private property owner.

RELATED: Victoria poised to lose popular Quadra Village boulevard patio


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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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