Saanich police Thursday night found a 14-year-old girl who hadn't been seen since Tuesday.
Sydney Foort left her mom's house near Tillicum Centre around 1 p.m. and through emails and text messages, repeatedly assured family she would be home by Thursday morning but had not returned.
Contact via emails and texts between mother and daughter has been made since Tuesday, but not since Wednesday evening when she last promised to be home Thursday.
"Her family fears that she may be engaging in risky behaviour here in Victoria," said Sgt. Dean Jantzen in an earlier media release. There was concern that she "may be using drugs or alcohol and may be meeting with inappropriate people."
This concern, he said, stemmed from messages on Facebook she sent to individuals her family and friends don't know.
Police say she is now back home safe with her family. They want to thank the public for their assistance in bringing the investigation to a successful conclusion.