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MUNICIPAL ELECTION: Comments from Victoria city council candidates

Victoria city council candidates were asked to tell us what they wanted voters to know about them

In an effort to help voters learn more about the people running for a seat on city council, the News asked candidates to tell us what they wanted voters to know about them.



I am running for Mayor of Victoria to

provide the residents of Victoria a genuine opportunity to cut the

strings of Big Money at City Hall and win affordable housing. I am a

small construction company owner running Filipovic Residential Services

for the past 25 years. My business focuses on designing and building

sundecks and fences through the summer months and doing renovations in

the winter months. Last Summer I created a Montessori School out of an

old Hospital. I know housing, and I know we are paying way to much for

housing in the Victoria region.

I am also a community advocate working with activist groups in Victoria.

I have sat on many boards and my greatest contribution has been through

my work with the Earth Walk Committee. In Partnership with VIDEA

Victoria International Development Education Association we organize an

annual event, the Earth Walk which involves a participatory parade and

an environmental fair that show cases roughly 40 different cause

oriented non-profit groups that are championing the various issues we

all face both locally and globally. This has given me an understanding

of the issues we face and helped me win the endorsement of Monday

Magazine in 2008.

Common Sense has been missing in City Hall for too long. I will work to

re-install it as the main mechanism for problem solving. I will create

several access points to relevant information and stimulate debate about

directions to pursue. I will fund the community centres to a level

enabling them to facilitate genuine community building initiatives. I

will shift the spending of our $200 million dollars annual budget toward

those changes this community has been in need of for quite some time. I

will make sure all those shifts are done in an open and accountable

manner in the light of day and with plenty of opportunity for all to

chime in. I will place more demands on the those

in Leadership roles of the city and supply more support for the workers

who provide the results.

I will need your help to share this message out and encourage your

friends to join in. I would also ask you to consider supporting my

preferred council for well rounded decision making; Ben Issit, Rose

Henry, Lisa Helps, Shellie Gudgeon, John Turner, Linda McGrew, Philippe

Lucas, Geoff Young, and of course Steve Filipovic for Mayor. Thank you.


DEAN FORTIN, mayoral candidate,

Over the past three years we have made Victoria a more caring and

sustainable city.

Together, we have built more affordable housing and shelter spaces,

improved transit, and revitalized parks. We’ve generated jobs by

promoting a strong, diversified and green economy. And we’ve made

Victoria safer with more community policing.

I’m seeking your support for re-election as your Mayor so we can keep

the momentum going.

Here are some of my priorities for the next three years:

Affordable housing

We have greatly increased rental housing and emergency shelters, adding

782 units. But we’re determined to keep moving forward until we end

homelessness in Victoria. We will work with the province to build more

affordable and supportive housing, with a focus on families and youth.

We’ll provide incentives for providing more rental housing, and we’ll

protect existing rentals.

Jobs and economic development

With our made-in-Victoria Economic Development Strategy, we are well

positioned to be an economic leader in the new green economy. We will

generate good jobs in the high tech sector, and we’ll move forward on

key economic drivers, including the re-development of Rock Bay and

expansion at Victoria International Airport.

Revitalization of our parks and public spaces

We have revitalized parks throughout the city, restored boulevards, and

enhanced playgrounds. Our next goals include establishing a Parks Zone

to protect our green spaces and working with communities to identify new

park opportunities.

A safe, vibrant downtown

We’ve worked hard to ensure Downtown is safe and vibrant. We’ve

established late night buses, added more police officers and worked with

bar owners to keep our establishments free of violence. Next term, we’ll

build on the success of our Late Night Task Force and we’ll enhance

street life with more street food vendors in the downtown core.

Green transportation

We have provided late night buses, built new bike lanes, and ensured

that the new Johnson Street Bridge is bicycle and pedestrian friendly.

Next term we will build more pedestrian paths, bike lanes and parking

alternatives. And we will move forward on light rapid transit.

Open, inclusive government

We have already built the most inclusive and transparent City Hall that

Victoria has ever seen, but we’ll take this even further with our

innovative “Open Government through Open Data Initiative”.

I am proud of our accomplishments in the past three years. And with your

support, we can keep the momentum going.


PAUL BROWN, mayoral candidate

For almost a quarter century I have been a partner in a Victoria based company that provides governance to provincial, state and territorial governments across the Pacific Northwest. I do not belong to a political party. My decisions will be based solely on due diligence and the needs of our city.

I am running for mayor on a slate named Open Victoria with three others who are running for council. Open Victoria wants to change the way our city does business.

I want to stop the practice of decisions being made consistently behind closed doors and the withholding of information from the public. We all need to participate in the city’s future, not just the selected few.

I want to redirect city council’s attention to the important issues facing this city and over which council can have a meaningful impact. Far too much of council’s time is being spent on insignificant issues or issues of a global, national or provincial nature over which council has little control or influence. We should not be afraid to tackle the city’s most challenging and pressing issues.

One of the most important issues that come to mind is the city’s financial affairs. Over the past three years our city has been progressively cutting services and community grants while increasing taxes well beyond the rate of inflation. The city is in financial trouble and things are only going to get worse if we don’t confront the situation. The solution to this is many fold, however simply put, we need to spend our resources more wisely. We have seen an exponential rise in executive and management salaries while front line service delivery has been cut. Budgets are not realistic nor adhered to and financial controls are non-existent. For a member of council to refer to a $150,000 expenditure as insignificant and something that could be raised in a bottle exchange with a nod from the mayor is totally inappropriate.

Our city has the potential to be so much more if we are willing to confront our challenges. We cannot ignore what is happening to our city: a worsening financial situation; deteriorating infrastructure; a downtown that is a far cry from what it once was; the ongoing loss of jobs, people and businesses to outlying communities; a real lack of affordable housing.

We can do better. We must do better. Open Victoria will do better.


CHRIS COLEMAN, incumbent

The reality is elected officials are only ever successful as parts of different community groups who come together, trying to make a difference.

I have been enormously lucky to have worked with a broad range of people on a wide variety of initiatives. Some of those groups have been incredibly successful in achieving their goals; some have witnessed moderate success; some have yet to see success and so we persist.

If there is some aspect of my work that hasn't received much notice, it might be my commitment to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). I sit as one of 75 members on the FCM national board. We advocate on behalf of all cities and communities with the federal government on a range of issues. Of this work I am very proud.

The skills that I bring to the FCM table are the same ones I use in my work on Victoria city council and in the various neighbourhoods: an aptitude for meeting with people and listening to their problems; an ability to weigh various (often competing) perspectives; and a desire to find solutions that make our community better and safer for everyone.

Community leadship experience:

• Member of City of Victoria council (elected in 1996; re-elected in 2002, 2005 and 2008);

• Appointed to city committees on: economic development, finance and human resources, housing, parks, recreation and community development, environment and infrastructure, community development

• Appointed to Capital Regional District: environment committee, regional water commission, solid waste advisory chair, regional growth strategy, parks, housing, arts

•  Present volunteer commitments: finance committee, Coalition to End Homelessness; B.C. Summer and Winter Games Society Audit Committee; CFAX Santas Anonymous, mento MBA and business students from UVic; United Way of Greater Victoria campaign cabinet, Federation of Canadian Municipalities board member

• Past volunteer experience: Local co-chair of the National Homelessness Initiative; Downtown Blanshard Community Centre Society; Veins of Life Watershed Enhancement Society (founding member); YM-YWCA b; Citizen Advocacy board; Christ Church Cathedral parish council; sports coach.



I am running for City Council because I will be a strong, experienced and independent voice for neighbourhoods and for local businesses. I believe in giving back to my community as an individual and as a local business owner. As a member of city council, I will be committed to serving Victoria, accessible to its citizens, and accountable for my decisions.

Community leadership experience:

• Vic West Community Association

• Quadra Revitalization Project

• Lower Johnson Street efforts to increase profile and safety


AARON HALL, Open Victoria

I was born and raised in Fernwood. I am a father of two, have lived all across our City, and fully understand the concerns faced by our character neighbourhoods. I see that the City’s spending habits must change.

Community leadership experience:

• Mustard Seed Street Church (past)

• Victoria Immigration and Refuge Services Society (present)

• Fundraising chair for the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling Club (present)



I’ve built affordable housing, helped small businesses get started, delivered leadership programs, and more. In so doing, I've collaborated with many different people, from politicians, contractors, neighbours, people on the street, community associations and more to bring about positive change in the city.

I know how to work with a diversity of people and I know how to get things done. I am generous, patient, firm, and focussed. I learn best by doing and in conversation with people; I’m also trained as an academic and am able to analyze and respond to complex situations and difficult policy decisions. I bring this experience of getting things done - this spirit of action - to the council table.

These are my Leadership Principles and Values:

1. Have clarity of vision.

2. Meet people where they are at.

3. Pay more attention to what is than "what if?"

4. Ensure that the scale of energy invested is reflected in the scale of the effect.

5. Bring a diversity of interests, agendas and ideologies into a singularity of focus; turn that focus into action.

Community leadership experience:

• Founding Executive Director, Community Micro Lending Society August 2009 – Present

• Member, Official Community Plan, Citizen Advisory Committee September 2009 – Present

• Member, Leadership Victoria Program Committee March 2009 – June 2011

• Chair, Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group (Fernwood NRG) Board of Directors

• August 2006-September 2008 (Board Member from March 2005)

• Founding Editor, Village Vibe June 2005-June 2009

• Chair, Bread and Roses Collective, Victoria Street Newz July 2006 – September 2009



Born in Winnipeg, I have lived in Victoria for the past two decades.

Professionally, I have a background in history, law and journalism. I hold a PhD and an LLB and have written two books on B.C. politics and Canadian history, From Victoria to Vladivostok and Militant Minority. I have taught as a professor at UVic and UBC and completed research for private firms, the B..C Ministry of Advanced Education, and non-profit organizations including the B.C. Centre for Co-operative and Community-Based Economy and West Coast Environmental Law. I have also worked as a housing support worker with the Victoria Cool Aid Society, gaining valuable hands-on experience providing housing and support for people in need. I have travelled to more than 50 countries for work and recreation and shared research at international conferences in North America, Europe and Asia.

As a volunteer, I have a decade and a half of experience “thinking globally and acting locally,” devoting my time to community projects from urban agriculture and green space protection to worker rights, housing advocacy, anti-racism, and peace work. I have served on the federal council of the New Democratic Party of Canada and gained valuable local government experience on the City of Victoria Environment and Shoreline Advisory Committee and as a runner-up for Victoria’s mayoralty in 2002 and 2005 (attracting 44 per cent of ballots cast). I contribute to the University of Victoria’s Housing and Homelessness Research Working Group.

As a father, I have chosen to make my home in Victoria. I have lived and operated a sole proprietorship in Fernwood and Quadra-Hillside, gaining valuable insight into the challenges facing our inner-city neighbourhoods and the potential for vibrant “village centres” when local enterprise is fused with positive community action.

I count myself among the optimists who believe that a better world – and city – is necessary and possible.

Community Leadership Experience:

• Social Environmental Alliance, Director and Founder (present)

• Victoria-Khabarovsk Association, Vice-President (present)

• Canadian Committee on Labour History, Secretary (present)

• City of Victoria Environment and Shoreline Advisory Committee, Member (past)

• Fernwood Community Association, Director (past)

• New Democratic Youth of Canada, Policy Director (past)

• University of Victoria Students' Society, Director (past)

• Spring Ridge-Fernwood Community Housing Trust, President (past)



While I feel that I’ve successfully represented progressive voices on city council and the CRD over the last three years, I’m running for re-election because there remain serious social, economic and environmental issues that still need to be addressed in our city and region.

Economic Sustainability, Lower Taxes and Keeping Resources Public: I’m promoting strategies for our city’s long-term success and to address the economic challenges of our residents.  I was the only councillor to vote against this year’s seven per cent residential tax increase, and to keep a rail crossing as part of the new Johnson Street Bridge project.  At the CRD, I was the only director to vote to keep our upcoming sewage treatment project 100 per cent public.

The Environment and Local Food Security: I continue to be on the forefront of regional sustainability and food security, spearheading a ban on the land application of biosolids (sewage waste) on farmland in the CRD and promoting increased opportunities for urban agriculture and support local food production on city council.  I successfully introduced a motion calling for a moratorium on the installation of smart meters, and was instrumental in getting a similar motion passed at UBCM (  Additionally, I’m working with local company Synergy Enterprises to make my re-election effort the first carbon-neutral municipal election campaign in Canada.

Downtown Vibrancy and A Family-Friendly Victoria: As co-owner of a safe, sustainable kids store in the downtown core (Hip Baby on Johnson Street), I voted to create a better business climate by lowering tow away fees charged by private companies, and am promoting the re-establishment of a downtown local food market. Additionally, I successfully passed a motion to create family-friendly and car co-op parking spaces in the city’s parkades.

Homelessness, Harm Reduction and Poverty Reduction: I’ve championed investing in affordable housing on council (including support for secondary and garden suites) and access to harm reduction supplies and information in our region, passing motions in support of fixed site needle exchange and supervised consumption sites.

Over the next three years I’m going to continue promoting strategies to boost our local economy; increase civic engagement; improve food security; reduce poverty, homelessness and addiction in our region; and to create a more family-friendly Victoria.  It’s been an incredible honor to represent this community and to bring new ideas and energy to Victoria City Council and the CRD; let’s keep working together for a better Victoria!

Community leadership experience:


• Chair and co-founder, Victoria Downtown Public Market Society, volunteer

• Advisory board, Centre for Addictions Research of BC, volunteer

• Board of directors, Vancouver Island School of Art, volunteer

• Board of directors, Vancouver Island Compassion Society (present, volunteer)

• Board of directors, Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy, volunteer

• Steering committee, Canadian Drug Policy Foundation, volunteer

• Advisory committee, York University National Harm Reduction Program, volunteer

• City of Victoria council appointments: youth council liaison; Environment and Infrastructure Standing Committee (chair); Community Development Standing Committee

• CRD Board appointments: Vice-Chair, CRD Housing Corporation; Core Area Liquid Waste Committee; Environmental Sustainability Committee; Solid Waste Advisory Committee.


Coordinator - Eat Here Now Harvest Festival, volunteer

Harm Reduction Victoria

Committee to End Homelessness

Founder/Executive Director, Vancouver Island Compassion Society,  paid


JOHN LUTON, incumbent

I’ve worked in the community for almost 20 years to bring cycling and walking into the mainstream of our transportation planning and helped ensure it was a key element of our regional growth strategy. I can point to many of the programs, polices and facilities that support cycling and are improving the environment for walking that I have had a hand in instigating or designing.  Victoria and the Capital Region has been very successful as a result, in encouraging people to make more sustainable transportation choices.

As a first term councillor, I have been able to bring that practical energy to keep up our momentum on building a more inclusive and sustainable transportation ethic in the city and it is something too that is embraced by the region.  Lately I have been also bringing that lens of sustainability into discussion about rapid transit and the long term view of how our community develops and prospers.

On our key issues of housing and homelessness, I think I have also been able to bring energy and new ideas to the city to help move us forward on initiatives to create diverse and affordable options to help ensure people who work in Victoria can also live in Victoria. I’ve worked with our council to promote direct purchase of multi-unit residential buildings like the Traveller's Inn to help provide housing options for some of our hard to house.  I’ve worked with our development community to support options for car-free or car-light housing so that our built environment better reflects the evolving lifestyles being embraced by our citizens and make housing more affordable. But most of all, I’m committed to being a team player, willing to work with council colleagues and the community to support solutions that are working to address critical issues.

While my profile in the community has been more narrowly focused, my many careers over my adult life have many more dimensions and I think it has prepared me well to adapt to the various demands of serving on city council and at regional decision tables.  I’ve run successful business ventures and worked on a variety of issues and projects within and outside of government that have often dealt with social and justice issues, environmental sustainability and many others.

Community leadership experience:

• City council, elected 2008

• Executive director of Capital Bike and Walk and previously president of the Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition.

• Election organizer, support staff for provincial cabinet ministers, MLAs and MPs


PAM MADOFF, incumbent

During my six terms on city council I hope that voters have come to know me as a principled decision maker who makes informed decisions based on research and community input.

In spite of my tenure on council I do not think of myself as a politician. I think of myself as an engaged resident, a former community activist, who now has the keys to City Hall and is very proud to represent the residents of Victoria. Someone who is approachable and responsive.

I have often been advised to develop a thicker skin in order to be better able to repel some of the more negative aspects of being an elected official. My response is that the day I develop a thick skin is the day that I would no longer seek elected office. It is so important to be receptive to input, negative or positive, and I would rather have sleepless nights than to close myself off to input that might be challenging or unpleasant.

Victoria has been described as a Learning City.  I like to think of myself as a lifelong learner who is always open to new ideas.  At the same time I believe that before we move forward it is always useful to look back and see how the past can inform the future.

Although I have become known for my interest in heritage buildings I have an equal interest in contemporary architecture. In terms of a residential architecture I am very interested in the fact that in many cases in the past architects and designers worked with Victoria's extraordinary natural topography.  The practice, most recently, seems to involve blasting away as much of the topography as possible - often to the detriment of the surrounding neighbourhood.

In spite of the fact that a city councillor is seen as a regulator I often find the greatest joy in the unplanned:  spontaneous community initiatives that remind us all that the energy and creativity of the community is the heartbeat of the city. A favourite gardening book,  'A Gentle Plea For Chaos'  espouses that in 'controlled disorder lies the essence of beauty '

I love this city and believe that every decision that we make, whether large or small,  deserves careful and well-informed consideration.

Community leadership experience:


• Six terms on city council

• Victoria Film Festival

• CRD Arts Committee

• Greater  Victoria Harbour Authority

• Royal McPherson Theatres Society

• Victoria Civic Heritage Trust

• Victoria Heritage Foundation

• B.C. Governor, Heritage Canada Foundation

• B.C. Heritage Trust

• Heritage BC

• Hallmark Society


• Victoria Accord Committees (Legislative Precinct and the Humboldt Valley)

• Craigdarroch Castle

• Save Our CIty Coalition


LINDA LISA McGREW, Open Victoria

After attending UVic from 1999-2003 I started several businesses locally. After some success I was able to sell one business and move to Maui.

There I did some soul searching: what is success? How can I contribute? What do I want out of life? After cycling the entire country of New Zealand alone, I return to Canada in time to start my MBA. Not long after returning, my MBA thesis took me to China, where I fell in love with the language, culture, and constant challenges. I worked in Asia for three years and started another company, helping women and children in Indonesia. Eventually I returned to Canada but not before cycling across China with a friend, and around the entire continent of Europe alone.

After having returned from these adventures, I am now fluent in three languages, have seen more than anyone might dream, and truly know my life’s goal: to leave everything better off than how I found it. I want to help our community grow and change, and I want to promote and support others to do the same. I am an optimistic environmentalist who hates plastic and loves the ocean, and I run to stay sane.

Community leadership experience:

• Volunteer for the Society for Students with a Disability at UVic.

• Volunteer Head Coach for Stelly's Senior High School girls basketball

• Volunteer Assistant Coach for Camosun Chargers Womens Basketball team

• Volunteered with various homes and societies aimed at helping children in Indonesia and China

• Volunteer for the Victoria police

• Paid director of a non-profit aimed at protecting endangered marine mammals in our waters



I was born in Vancouver May 1965. Lived there till the end of Grade 2, then moved to a small town called Mica Creek, where Dad worked for B.C. Hydro. Stayed in Mica Creek till the end of Grade 6. We moved to Hudson Hope where I completed

grades 7-9. A very cold town in the winter, but the northern lights were beautiful. We moved back to Vancouver where I did grades 10-11. After Grade 11 I went to military college in St. John Quebec. I earned my diploma in pure and applied sciences, but not a degree. I developed back problems and could not finish my program. I attended McGill University for one year where I studied biology hoping to get into medical school. My marks were not in the high 90s so I gave up on that idea. I could not get a student loan so I got a dishwashing job in Montreal. The night life there is wonderful and my mother was also living there at the time.

In January 1987 I lost my job, apartment and girlfriend all in the same week. At least my cat did not die. I moved to Victoria a bit later as Dad got a job at Naden. I attended the University of Victoria that fall and studied more biology hoping to become a mammalogist because I like cute furry animals. I got a treeplanting job that summer, and did not make much money, the blackflies were thick. I quit and got a construction job in Richmond. During my second year at UVic I became interested in politics and ran for president of the UVic Students Society. I came second out of three candidates. I also learned how ruthless the competition can be.

After a bit of thought I came to the conclusion that biology was not going to be cost effective for me so I joined the workforce. I figured McDonald's was as good a place to start as any. I worked as a grill cook and then became a night janitor. While I was there I convinced management to recycle. I later got another construction job then suffered another back injury. I went on disability which I have been on for a while. Heavy work is no longer an option for me.

Community leadership experience:

• Volunteer at a seniors centre



I would like the voters to know that I am volunteering to be their representative on city council and donating the majority of my wages to Gap Communities Foundation so that we may begin to undertake our community development platform on a social level. I encourage everyone to do the best they can by volunteering with, donating to or investing in the Community Services Association non-partisan and not-for-profit organization the best they can.

I am seeking to do the best I can to leave a legacy for my children by leaving this city as a place where I will be proud and reassured in leaving it in their hands. I have lived my life passionately for others, primarily as a volunteer, and I will continue to do this as a part of my lifelong quest to see my family, friends and neighbours – all of you prosper to the greatest level we all can co-operatively, and I will represent you in council.

Please vote for me on Nov. 19 to be your representative and voice on Victoria city council and as a CRD regional director.

Community leadership experience:

• Founder and executive director, Gap Ministries and Communities Foundations

• Children's and youth mentor and leader

• Street counsellor

• Community support worker

• International socio-economic development researcher, advisor and social relief worker

• Founding CEO; Esquimalt Harbour Seabus LTD., and the Vancouver Island Light Rail Company


GEOFF YOUNG, incumbent

I am concerned about climate change.  I support a carbon tax, a simple and understandable way to raise the price of greenhouse gases (including methane and CFCs, etc.) and encourage better insulation for buildings, energy saving water and space heating, more solar and wind power, and less travel by car and plane.

I support charges for road users that reflect true costs.  I am a proponent of regional planning, but regional planning to reduce energy consumption and preserve the environment would be easier if everyone paid the true cost of road travel.

A carbon tax on a global scale would also mean less moving of goods around the world.  We would be more likely to fix what we now throw out, rather than bringing replacements from across the world.  One of the things we would buy more of would be local food.

I agree with amalgamation, but until it arrives I plan to work hard at the CRD to try and make our regional government work better.  Although there has been no discussion of amalgamation at the council (because it is not within our power to achieve),  I am hearing many people on the doorstep mentioning it - a groundswell of public opinion.  People coming to Victoria from elsewhere find our multiplicity of municipalities very strange.

I believe social services should benefit the downtown, not harm it.

More and more services are being offered to support the homeless and mentally ill – shelter beds, hot meals, drop-in centres. Yet problems grow. By trying to bring care and comfort to the less fortunate are we in fact enabling the very behaviours we are trying to change? Are we encouraging people to leave their home communities because of Victoria’s services as well as our weather?  As an economist I know that incentives are powerful in shaping people's behaviour.

When we see people in distress it is a natural reaction to try and help.   But enough resources will never be made available as long as we paper over problems by providing unconditional day-to-day maintenance and services to everyone who seeks them, whether they are the mentally ill and the drug addicted, or just people making bad choices because the services are there.  Are we simply reducing the pressure for the Provincial government to accept its health care, treatment and housing responsibilities?

Community leadership experience:

• Long time city councillor, now serving on the Environment and Infrastructure Committee.  (present)

• CRD director, served three one-year terms as board chair. (present)

• Served on many committees at the CRD and the City, with a focus on finance, parks and transportation. (past)

• Served on the BC Financial Institutions Commission; Victoria Airport board; Beckley Farm Lodge Board of Directors; Bays United soccer coach (past)



I've been a Victoria resident since I was two years old (over 30 years), and have managed to - from shy beginnings - forge a unique and unlikely path, with a passion for contributing positively to the Greater Victoria landscape, and hopefully leave a brighter and better legacy to inspire others in the process. In aid of this, I will donate practically my entire city councilperson's salary to local community efforts, if elected.

Community leadership experience:

• Director-at-large for the Oak Bay High School Alumni Association (present)

• Movie critic for Nexus Newspaper (past)

• Lansdowne director-at-large for  Camosun College Student Society, and representative for Education Council.



I would like people to know that I am a caring, committed member of the community. I love Victoria and think it is the best place in the world to live. I am concerned with social justice and triple bottom line sustainability. I want to move forward with a grassroots approach to the priorities I have identified. I am co-parent of one amazing teenager. And finally that my door is always open as far as discussion with and input from the community.

Community leadership experience:

• Volunteer at Camas Books and Info Shop (present)

• Volunteer with the Good Food Box (present)


LYNN HUNTER, incumbent, 250-220-2240

I have a long history and commitment to public service.  I was the Member of Parliament for the people of Saanich Gulf Islands 1988-1993 and City Councillor in Victoria 2008-2011.  I am running for re-election and for election to the board of the CRD board of directors.  I am proud of the record at City Council over the past 3 years where through team work we have gone a long way to addressing the homelessness problem in our city.  There is still work to do so I am asking for re-election and election to the CRD board where I have been a strong advocate for protection of our regional growth strategy which protects the character of our neighbouring muncipalities.

Community leadership experience:

Board Member R.A.V.E.N. (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) Trust;

Chair of the board, MS Society of Canada, BC Yukon Division 2007-2009,

Chair of the Board MS Society of Canada, South Vancouver Island Chapter (2006-2008)



I am a third generation Victorian who was raised, went to school and

university in the Capital Region and has lived here a majority of my life.

I have my BA in Pacific and Asian Studies.  My former work was in the

hospitality industry for 25 years.

I am told that I am a hardworking and compassionate person.  I care deeply

about the community.  I have a passion for serving people and want to make a

difference in this world.

My family and friends are very important to me. I love animals especially my

13-year-old Alaskan malamute, Akela.

I enjoy music and good food.  I love to travel. I have been married for 26

years to my husband Phil and he works for B.C. Transit.

I believe in listening to the concerns of others and trying to address

those concerns to the best of my abilities.  I strive to make balanced

decisions with an independent mind.

I enjoy volunteering and it is true that you get back far more than you


Community leadership experience:


• Victoria Chinatown Lioness Club, member

• Canada Day Celebration organizer

• Chinese Culture Educational Tours, Tour Guide of Victoria's Chinatown

and Chinese Cemetery


• Victoria Women's Transition House

Board Member & Special Events Chair

• B.C. Lion's Society For Children with Disabilities

Interim Director on Executive; Co-Chair of Vancouver Island's 24 Hour Relay

• Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Director

• Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, President, Director

• Victoria Chinatown Lioness Club, President

• Victoria YM-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards Selection Committee Chair

• Victoria Police Diversity Committee member

• Leadership Victoria, mentor

• Women's Housing Action Team, Ambassador



I’m a businessman with a social development background. I’m educated with a BA and an MA in economics with a law degree from the University of Victoria.

I have worked as a transportation economist and practised environmental and resource law, as a chairperson in a worker compensation review board and as general counsel and corporate secretary for the Vancouver Port Corporation.

This education and professional experience trained me in identifying issues and championing these issues to completion through large organizations.

When elected, I would challenge the current council and its homogenous nature in the interests of good government.

When elected I will advance issues of social housing and accountability, cost of living / affordable housing, cost of government and open and responsive government.

With respect to issues if social housing and accountability, there are many parameters which are often lumped together. First, the issue is a multi-jurisdictional problem and the city has only limited alternatives.

Second, the segment of homeless population which is troublesome, is the street population. The city has recently spent some $6 million for two buildings and is managing to house some 35 hard to house with a $500,000 operating budget. Those are your dollars, people. The city paid $171,428 per unit. The private sector has been purchasing at approximately $50,000 per unit. That’s your money, folks.

With respect to accountability, the current system of social assistance dumps large sums of public money out every Welfare Wednesday with little, if any, improvement. The monies are distributed with out regard to addiction issues and the havoc it creates.  If elected I will be seeking your assistance in petitioning council and the provincial government to put in place a system of accountability for your money.

With respect to affordable housing, I will be advancing rent banks, housing densification and incentives for rental housing. A rent bank is a bank instituted to provide those temporarily in need with rental assistance.

With respect to character densification, I will be advocating for the renovation of older character homes into 2, 3 and 4 units on a strata title basis. For those that own these properties, there will in all likelihood be an increase in value. However, the beauty of this proposal is the basic land cost is proportioned between the 2, 3 or 4 units, as a result, reducing the land component of the cost of construction.

Community leadership experience:

• Led initiatives to improve 700-block of Queens Ave. and surrounding neighbourhood.




















About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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