Preliminary voting indicates an overwhelming number of Snuneymuxw First Nation members favour a $42-million offer from the federal government to settle the Crown's breach-of-contract in failing to protect land along Nanaimo River.
Out of 1,063 votes tallied, as of Wednesday, March 4, 1,058 votes (99.5 per cent) were in favour of the settlement, leaving just five members voting against. In total, there were 1,574 eligible voters, meeting the required 25 per cent of eligible voter base threshold required to be official.
The Snuneymuxw nation has been interested in a settlement for more than 20 years, with the first filed 'Teytexen Village Specific Claim' in 2001, centred around the breach of the Sarlequnn Treaty between Snuneymuxw and the Crown in 1854.
As part of the treaty, village sites and cultivated fields were to be surveyed and protected for Snuneymuxw use. However, the southern portion of the historical village, of about 23.6 hectares just south of the Nanaimo River IR 3 border, was given to settlers.
Once the ratification is complete, the claim will result in the $42-million transfer from the Crown to Snuneymuxw. In the information document, chief and council said that a 10-year financial plan would outline goals and objectives to use about half the sum to improve the quality of life for members and future generations, while the other half would be distributed, with $10,000 going to each Snuneymuxw member. For minors, the funds will be held in a trust until they reach the age of 18 years.
Members had the option to vote online or through paper ballots, either in person or via mail from March 2-3. Online was the most popular method, used by 806 members voting in favour. In paper balloting, 252 voted in favour, and five against. There were also 19 spoiled ballots, which all came from mail.
The final result of the ratification vote is expected to be posted on the Snuneymuxw First Nation Facebook page at following the end of the appeal process.
While the settlement doesn't provide land back, it sets out that Snuneymuxw may apply to have 23.6 hectares of land added to reserve, which the nation would be responsible for purchasing or acquiring at its own expense.