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Oak Bay hosts its first police diversity meeting

A diverse crowd gathers in Wednesday

Diversity comes to Oak Bay this week.

Oak Bay Police Chief Constable Andy Brinton, Deputy Chief Ray Bernoties and Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen will greet the Greater Victoria Police Diversity Advisory Committee on Wednesday.

The group meets once a month September to June for the last dozen years, and Victoria and Saanich have always hosted, said Oak Bay Police Sgt. Davindar Dalep.

“I believe Oak Bay is a great place to hold this meeting and show off our community,” Dalep said. “These cultural diversity groups can see what Oak Bay has to offer.”

He and fellow Oak Bay officer Const. Alex Omoding are both members, and offered up Oak Bay as a destination.

DAC meets for the first time in Oak Bay on June 14 at 5 p.m. at municipal hall

The committee is made up of police from across the region in a variety of roles, as well as representatives from groups such as Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, Victoria Immigrant & Refugee Centre Society, India Canada Cultural Association, African Heritage Association of Vancouver Island, Victoria Pride Society

Victoria Native Friendship Centre, Ismaili Muslim Faith Community, Equity & Human Rights Office, University of Victoria, Jewish Federation of Victoria and Vancouver Island and Victoria Baha’i Community.

The goal is to to provide a continuing dialogue on issues of mutual concern, to problem solve and to establish close cooperation. This helps to build and maintain trust and positive relationships, which broadens our collective knowledge about issues of concern within our diverse communities.

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

I'm a longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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