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Police see peaceful trend continuing for annual Oak Bay Tea Party

Oak Bay Tea Party weekend has become a little quieter in recent years for the Oak Bay police.

A big part of that, explains Deputy Chief Kent Thom, was the switch to a more co-operative, family oriented midway operator.

“Plus we had fireworks on the beach at 11 p.m. and it was tough for police to get people off the beach,” he says.

For this weekend's 49th annual Tea Party (June 4 and 5), police expect traffic issues to continue the trend toward being less of a concern.

“In years past we actually had a dispatcher who would work on Tea Party weekend,” Thom says. “All of the cars that were illegally parked were towed to the lot (at Firemen’s Park) and the people had to deal with the person at the desk (to retrieve their vehicle).”

Improved signage and placing signs in out-of-reach spots where they are less likely to be torn down has helped the situation, too, he adds.