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Province targets invasive moth with aerial spraying in Greater Victoria

Treatments for spongy moth returning to Esquimalt, View Royal, Colwood this spring
An adult male spongy moth. (File photo courtesy of the Government of B.C.)

Aerial spraying treatments for an invasive species of moth will return to Greater Victoria this spring.

The province will be attempting to treat 267 hectares in Esquimalt, 381 hectares in View Royal and 341 hectares in Colwood for spongy moths.

Trapping results from last year “show clear evidence that spongy moth populations are becoming established in the treatment areas,” the Ministry of Forests said in a statement.

The ministry was issued a pesticide use permit to aerial spray residential, commercial, federal and public lands with a biological insecticide, Foray 48B, which is approved for use by certified organic farms.

“It poses a very low risk to humans, which can be further reduced by staying indoors during the spray, and does not harm mammals, birds, fish, plants, reptiles, amphibians or bees. It affects only moth and butterfly caterpillars after they have ingested it, and the spray timing targets the emergence of spongy moth caterpillars,” the ministry noted in the statement.

Three applications are planned for the targetted areas between mid-May and mid-June with each taking place seven to 10 days apart and could take up to two days to complete.

Spraying is expected to take place at first light, ending no later than 7:30 a.m.

Changes in weather conditions may cause delays or cancellations, for more information call 1-866-917-5999 or visit

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About the Author: Goldstream News Gazette Staff

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